Saturday, December 1, 2007

December Already?!

Wow how time is passing! I couldn't believe it today when my little preggo ticker flipped to the 3rd to the last baby! WOW! According to my weekly emails, Madeline (yes for now I'm sticking with Madeline) is about 2 pounds and 14 inches long! Oooh how I can't wait to meet her! I've been feeling really well lately. Hormones are still crazy, but I'm adjusting. We made up our mind that we're going to sell this house and find a new one after the first of the year. The foundation issues are just too big for us to handle, so we'll take a loss and sell it cheap and start over fresh in something nicer. That's the plan anyways... sure hope there's something out there for us! We've got an appointment to go look at a house tomorrow at 3, it's more central to Charleston than where we live now, but it's also about 15 minutes away from mom's house and preschool, where we're merely a few streets away from both right now. We'll see.

Anyway... it's December! And that means picture time! Abbie (Photo's by Abbie) did Lizzy's pictures today. Gosh she was so amazing with her! I was impressed... she got liz to loosen up and smile a lot... and just have some fun. I cannot wait to see the proofs!!! Also, Ashley and Emery came out and Emery had her picture's taken too... Abbie even got a few shots of the girls together, which I'm super excited about. There may be a year between Liz and Emery but I can see them being great friends for a long time. Jay and I just adore Ashley and Seth, we all get along so well. Same (aka twisted) sense of humor, and such. And Liz loves Emery - as long as I'm not carrying Emery... then she get's insanely jealous. Boy does she have a suprise in store. LOL

So I got a new maternity shirt today with my Kohls cash. I was going to do some Christmas shopping for Jay but didn't see anything he'd wear - and I've already finished Lizzy... and my mom and MIL and those are the only other people that I'd buy clothes for... so I just found something for myself! It was a nice little splurge and the shirt is cute - I'll get a pic up soon. I need to go get a new battery charger from Walmart as I seem to have lost mine. (Thus no pictures lately.)

Oh and I think next weekend we're having family pics taken. Should be fun. :D I found a cream sweater at Target today for Liz, and my new shirt is cream as well... Jay has a heathered cream polo that looks good with his jeans so I think we may all wear those, jeans and cream shirts - brown shoes, etc for our family shots. My belly is REALLY pokin out these days. Although, Jacquie (this tiny little gal from small group) is due a week before me... and I will say that she's poking out just a tiny bit more than me. LOL We sat next to each other on the sofa last night and joked about our girls boxin each other through our belly's. ;)

I think we're going downtown tonight to the big tree lighting festival in downtown Charleston. I love going to holiday events... so fun! Jay's working so it'll depend on what time he get's home... Linda just left on a cruise for a week so no sitter for date night as my family is all in Ohio right now. Oh well. lol

Annnnway, I'm chatting now, and I'm super tired so I'm going to go catch a nap while my kiddo is passed out. Just wanted to share a short update... I'll post Lizzy's pics as soon as I get them! :D


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see all the rounds of pics! And you're gonna be doing things right for your family photos. As I tell people on the phone all the time, solid colors work best and if you all can wear the same colors, that looks even better. So you three are going to look marvelous! lol!

So glad that things are going well! Miss you greatly!

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to see the pics..:)

Miss Maddy will be here soon..CRAZYNESS!

Love you!