Sunday, December 9, 2007

Larger than Life.

My ankles that is. And here I thought I'd be able to escape that nonsense this time around... no such luck. The last 3 days I've spent around 12-15 hours on my feet... basically sun up to sun down working on the house... we really want to finish all the big stuff before next weekend so that we can have a week or so to really enjoy Christmas once it's all completed... but that means lots of work, little rest, and falling into bed exhausted... only to wake up still exhausted and do it all over again. And why am I typing this at 3 in the afternoon? Because I took Lizzy home to nap, thinking I would nap too - but my brain is too wired thinking of all I should be getting done right now rather than just sleeping. *sigh*

Oh well, just thought I'd share. Sorry I haven't uploaded any pics lately. My belly is certainly huge lately... I *finally* bought a battery charger today, after searching my house 10x's over and still not finding my old one. So as soon as these charge I'll get a picture up... hopefully in the next couple days. Madeline has been rather patient with me lately... I can tell she's getting bigger as she's slowing down on the loop de loops and concentrating more on just shoving her feet between my ribs when she gets uncomfortable. Or maybe it's her way of saying "Hey! Get out of these paint fumes mommy! I'm feeling woozy in here!" Who knows. ;) She has the hiccups right now... lol it feels funny seeing my belly jump every few seconds. haha

Well I suppose I'm going to go try and lay down again... hopefully I can get a few minutes of shut eye before Liz wakes up and we get back to work. :) Anyone want to trade ankles? Mine need to be put on a shelf until they deswell. :P

1 comment:

K said...

I'm jealous! Anastasia never had the hiccups.

Put those feet up girl! Get Jay to give you a foot rub at the end of the day. :)