Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Getting There!

Okay, I know these updates are getting old - but I like to be able to look back and see how far we've come over the last week, and this helps me keep my sanity about the whole thing. LOL

Yesterday was a loooooong day - for the guys anyways... it was hardwood floor day and they started at 3 in the afternoon and didn't get home until 1 in the morning!!! AND it's not done yet... SHEESH. It's almost done though - they ran out of glue so they had to stop or they would have stayed all night! CRAZY BOYS. Anyways, what the do have done looks amazing - it's really really beautiful, I can't wait to see it all cleaned up!

As for today... the carpet guys showed up bright and early so they're hard at work right now putting in our carpet. Super thrilled about that! This means that from now on I don't have to drop Lizzy off at anyone's house! :D lol It's now safe for her to come inside while we work and play with her toys/books/etc. again! Yay!

So we decided not to get the table and chairs for her for Christmas after all... because... the people who previously owned the house left this really beautiful desk that will be perfect for Liz... I'm going to repaint it and put on some cute knobs and we'll get her a cute chair to match - it'll be perfect for her room. We're going to take the legs off of it so that it sets about 7 inches lower, which will be the perfect height for a toddler to sit and color or whatever she wants to do - which also gives me more stocking ideas, I'm going to add in lots of artsy stuff so we can fill her desk with fun things for her to play with! SOOO exciting!

AND I found the chandelier that I want for the dining room - at Lowes today! LOL Weird place to find a chandelier I know, but it's wrought iron and very elegant, but not overly huge - and it's on sale. Gotta love that. :D Now that the carpet is in the house we can get to work on the bathrooms and kitchen this week and weekend and then we'll be ready to move in! I cannot believe how fast this all went... or how hard we've been working! LOL But it's finally all coming together. We're hoping to have a New Years party at our new house if we can get all moved in and the boxes all put up in time. :) We shall see... I'm not pushing it.

The backdoor won't be installed until probably after the first of the year as it's a custom order so they said it'd be a couple more weeks. Bummer on that as the current back door is drafty and ugly - but I can always hang curtains in front of it until we get the new one so it doesn't uglify our house. LOL

OOOOOOH and today was Lizzy's Christmas Pagent. Crack. Me. Up. They dressed the kids up in heather brown sweats with reindeer antlers and a fuzzy cotten tail - then they sang 3 songs up on stage - (well the other kids did... Lizzy preffered to dance with the banister leading up the steps to the stage - she seriously just goofed off the whole time, but then again - none of the 2 year olds sang. LOL They mixed them with the 3's and a couple of the 3's sang but for the most part all the kids just stood there with blank expressions on their faces.) SO Cute. None of my pictures turned out great because the church had bad lighting - but I got a few moments on video - not that it's interesting at all, unless you count seeing my kids backside a good video. haha

The baskets I made for the teachers came out beautiful. I wish I'd have gotten a picture of them... all the parents chipped in $10 (8 kids) so we were able to get both the teacher and the assistant a $40 gift card to California Dreaming (a great restaurant on the water in Charleston) and then one of the other mom's and I bought and filled up baskets for the teachers. We put in Christmasy dish towels, a jar candle, christmas ornaments, some soaps, a mug, some hot chocolate along with the gift cards and then placed it all in pretty baskets. It really turned out pretty... the teachers were floored and I was pleased that we were able to do a "big" gift instead of all of us doing our own little things... they ended up with something really nice. So that was fun. Liz is officially on Christmas break! She wore her Christmas dress to school today - along with all the other little girls... they all looked so pretty and festive! One of the little boys (Cole) had on a reindeer sweater - TOOO Cute! All in all It's barely 1 pm and I'm already pooped. LOL It's been a busy couple of days - but we've gotten a lot done and it feels good.

Tomorrow I'm going to attack the rest of my Christmas shopping - I cannot believe it's less than a week away and I have practically NOBODY finished! Seriously. It's sort of sad actually. lol But I'm hoping to knock out a big portion of it tomorrow. :)

So that's it for now, i think I'll try to catch a nap before Liz wakes up and we head over to see the new carpet! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie..I have been reading every update but I am so busy and now I have a sec to comment..:)

Yay for the house going along great!..Love the French Doors..Soo exciting!

I can not wait till I can get a house..:)

Try to take it easy though and do not push yourself..I worry about you and Maddy...:)

YAY! for the desk and fun are=t stuff for Miss Cutie pie...

I love you guys and miss you and Hope you all keep doing well..

Love you!