Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve!

So, it's 2:30 and we've already had a fun filled day! We woke up this morning and all cuddled together on the couch (it was in the 40's outside! And not much warmer inside! LOL) So we huddled under a blanket and all watched Evan Almighty together. Cute movie, and Liz loved the animals. Then we went over to mama's house for our Christmas Eve party. Mom had a chocolate fondue fountain - YUMMO - and cheese fondue along with tons of little appetizers. Wow that was good... then daddy read Luke 2:1-20 - our Christmas Eve tradition and then we opened all the kids gifts to each other. It was a great time. Everyone bought Madeline presents this year - that was super special. She got baby toys, some receiving blankets to match her new room, and an adorable hat to wear home from the hospital! Lizzy got an Aquadoodle for the bathtub, 2 My Little Ponies, a Little People Opposites book, and Christmas PJ's from Nanie. (Tomorrow we'll open all of Nanies gifts to the girls, but for today it was just sibling gifts.) I got a new maternity shirt, a gift card to O'Charlie's for dinner, a wallet and some new Christmas PJ's. LOL Love that Christmas Eve tradition!

Now we're home so Liz can nap - our Christmas Eve service is tonight at 5 and then we're having dinner at Linda's afterwards. Then tomorrow's the big day! :) I'm *finally* getting into the Christmas mood! Took me long enough!

I've got a head cold that's driving me nuts, and the moved Suedophed to the class C list so it's not really safe to take anymore - so I'm pushing through with as little meds as possible... I hope this clears up soon, I hate feeling yucky during all the festivities. Anyway, I'm off to nap - I did get Jay to take a pic of my belly this morning - so here's my 30 weeks shot: (not sure why it's so grainy though)

Anyway, that's all for now... Merry Christmas Eve everyone!


K said...

Merry Christmas!!

(You look great btw)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jess!

You look beautiful! Lots of hugs for you and your family!

Dana said...

Merry Merry Christmas Beautiful!
Kisses to you..Jay..Lizzy and Maddy..:)

I hope you all continue to have a Happy and Blessed Year!

I Love you and Miss you so much!