Monday, December 3, 2007

New House. No Sleep.

Well last night stunk for sleep, somewhat because Madeline must have really taken a growth spurt lately as she has figured out how to put her little foot right between two ribs and PUSH... boy does that hurt! Liz would press against my ribs, but this gal feels like she's bustin them in two! Anyway... adding to that one of our house appointments went REALLY well. In fact... we have another meeting tonight in a couple hours to go over some details, and if it all works out - we'll gain a bathroom, and about 400 square feet, AND it'll be cheaper than where we live now! It has a garage, a huge back yard and backs up to a lake - OMG I'm so excited about this. Please pray that this all works out for us. If this house works out, we'll be able to put up our green houses and "officially" start our tree farm (it's a 3 year process) in the back yard as the house sits on over half an acre. And better yet... we're not moving out to the boonies! We thought the only way we'd be able to afford a half acre and house is to move WAY out, but upon further digging we might have found the perfect solution. Same city, still close to my mom and sis... and only an extra 5 minutes away from Lizzy's preschool! I *love* the layout of the house - the master bath is nice and big and the girls bedrooms are tucked away in the back of the house so that if we entertained, they could go to bed and never hear anyone in the main living area! Did I mention it has a garage? Huge plus for us. And a fireplace... and a two story living room with the old ceiling beams and a drop fan. The kitchen is smaller than our current one, but that doesn't bother me at all... our kitchen is too big for me to keep 100% clean all the time. Drives me nuts actually. LOL

Okay now the downside... it needs to be completely repainted and the garage is full of junk that will be coming with the home - so it'll take us a few weeks to get it up to shape before we can move in. And that's a bit depressing since we just went through that with THIS house... but the foundation issues here have proven to be too big to handle, so we're going to cut our losses and move on. This new house has a perfectly stable foundation (#1 priority at this point) If I wasn't pregnant and Lizzy was a little older we'd tackle the foundation stuff no problem, but it's causing some issues inside the house that none of us can handle right now - and with us getting ready to bring a new baby home in less than 3 months, I want her to come home into a comfortable home and be able to adjust without a major move in her very near future.

I hate to pick Lizzy up and move her again (this will be her 4th home in 2 years!) But it's necessary and we're hoping to be able to stay in this home until we get our land in Florida for phase 2 of the Tree Farm stuff.... which will be at least a couple years - and even then, we found a way that we may be able to handle the Florida farm from Charleston with a little extra work and then just visit several times a year to keep up with it. Which is a win win for everyone. :)

So anyway... if you're the praying sort - I'm asking for it! This house could potentially be a HUGE blessing for us, I'm so hoping it all works out. The couple selling are absolutely precious, we stayed and chatted with them for an hour past our appointment and they seemed to like us to, so I sure hope we can make this work! I'll know more later tonight... but just wanted to share. I couldn't even take a nap today - way too wired. (Although that probably stemmed more from the Mt. Dew I had at lunch as I just wasn't in a water mood.) LOL

I'll update as we know more later. :)


K said...

Good luck! It sounds wonderful! I hope it all works out for you. :)

And if it doesn't, then it wasn't meant to be, and there's an even better house out there for you!!


Anonymous said...

Prayed sweetie...:)