Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Well, we finally finished the floors! The carpet is in, and it is GORGEOUS!!!! And the hardwood is done... it almost put tears in my eyes - (stupid, I know) but it just made me SO excited! We've always had laminate - or in this current house refinished hardwood but it was never very pretty, this was rustic... however our new floors are nothing short of beautiful. I'm in love! LOL I spent the evening sitting in each room imagining how I'm going to arrange all the furniture. I decided to switch Maddy's and Lizzy's rooms for now. I was going to give Liz the bigger room - but since we're using part of the nursery as a play room for the next long while, I realized that's silly as all Lizzy will have in her room is a bed, dresser and desk. All of that will easily fit in the smaller of the two rooms - with room to spare... while the nursery/play room will house a crib, glider, dresser, toy chest, kitchen, bookshelf, etc. Definately needs to be the bigger room.

Anyway, I worked out how I want my living room - and we're getting very close to the final run to Lowes for one last major load and then we'll have everything we need to move in!!!!

So anyway, the carpet people did an amazing job - they stayed all day and did it perfectly. I can't wait to take my vacuum and mop over tomorrow afternoon and make those floors sparkle! Right now the carpet has lots of fuzzy stuff and the wood floors look great, but have glue bits and dust on them from all the cutting and such. Just wanted to update - the new flooring has made this house look brand new. SO FUN!

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