Sunday, December 30, 2007

When Crap Happens.

Well crap. Bad news ahead.

My hubby got hurt yesterday - we spent last night in the ER as he can't walk or even stand up right now. After dozens of x'rays they found that he strained/sprained his back and has 2 slipped disks that he will most likely have to have surgery on. He's on a ton of pain meds and will be out of work for at least a week. (not good as we're self employed... no work - no pay for us) so just keep us in your thoughts and prayers please - if he ends up needing surgery soon I may end up getting a job - and at nearly 8 months preggo we all know how hard that will be.

I'm so overwhelmed right now, just trying to take it one day at a time. We won't know much more until Wednesday as to the surgery and if it'll be right away or in a few months/year or so. I'm scared for him, he's such a "mans man" Mr. I can do it myself... it's hard seeing him struggle through this. They discharged him from the hospital with orders to not get off the sofa or do anything to strain himself whatsoever in the next 48 hours. He can crawl and walk hunched over - but he can't stand up or walk normally. Poor guy is really struggling with this.

Lizzy doesn't understand why daddy can't play and rough house with her, so I've had to keep her away from him a good bit - which is all the worse for him. He hates not being with us... MIL watched Liz for us for awhile and I just spent time talking and sitting with him today. *sigh* He's staying at my MIL's right now in case something spasms again and he has to go back to the ER - that way his brothers can help load him up into a car and get him there... as there's just no way I could help get a 200+lb man into a car right now. That part stinks too - I'm not with him or able to take care of him as much as I want...

To top it all off, I rolled down the windows in my car yesterday and the back window got stuck... in the rain - so fun. *rollseyes* It just couldn't have gotten stuck any other freakin day when Jay would be able to fix it... so I had to use an umbrella last night sticking out of the window to keep water off the back seats - then today when I was taking Liz home to nap... there was a yellow jacket in the car. Fun fun times. (I'm terrified of bees)

AHHHHHHHHHH *&$*#!#$!@*&^!*&@^!!!!!!!!

Okay, I feel better. lol Jay thinks this is Gods way of telling him to slow down... he said he knew he shouldn't have been working so hard - pulling 50+ hour weeks in the tree business and then going straight over to the new house every night until 11 or later was taking its toll - but he just kept on pushing himself.... and now we have about 4 or 5 big projects left to do before we could move in... and we're at a standstill.

Anyway... sorry - just needed to vent and get that all off my chest. We'll figure it out, I know God will provide for us, he always has before... it's just tough when we're in the middle of the crappy times.

But a friend once told me the only way to get to the otherside of a crappy situation is to keep walking forward and not stop.

I'm hoping and praying that Madeline stays put until her due date - I was hoping she'd get here early but now I realize, life is much simpler while pregnant with a toddler than with a newborn and a toddler and a hubby who's injured. I'll definately take the aches and pains and have her stay put awhile longer...

I'll update more as the doctors give us info... for now, I'm tired. Jay's hurting. Lizzy's napping and Maddy's doing loop de loops. Prayers needed.


Anonymous said...

Big ((Hugs))

Hope everything turns out ok. *kiss*

K said...

Aw man! That's rough. I know how tough it must be for him to be incapacitated like that!

Prayers and pixie dust heading your way!

Vince said...


Anonymous said...

Awww sweetie..I am sending you guys prayers..

Drew had back surgery and I know how that can be.

It will all be okay and God will see you guys through I know it!

Call if you need anything...I know I am not near you but I am here to talk..if you need me.

I love you all much..Have Faith!