Sunday, December 16, 2007

Feelin good. :D

We got SOOOO much done today! We skipped church... (but we're watching the online sermon tomorrow so it's all good.) and went straight over to the house this morning. And boy did we get A LOT done today. I worked on the trim while Jay finished replacing all the new subflooring... then I went home and napped Liz, while Jay stayed and painted the M/Bedroom ceiling. (Looks AWESOME) then we all went over to Rae's house for Grey's 1st birthday party - he's such a cutie pie! It was great getting to spend some time with everyone - we chatted, ate and played beat the hell out of Elmo... aka, Elmo the pinata... Liz was so confused. "Take a hit at Elmo" She turned around and gave us the hairy eye. LOL Poor kids... today they learned that Elmo is stuffed with raisins and little bottles of bubbles... and that it's okay to hit our favorite Sesame Street Star... just in time for Sesame Street to come to Charleston next week. hahahahaha... I can see it now... Lizzy walking up to elmo and sucker punching him expecting bubbles and sweets to fall out of his back hatch. It was a great time... truly hilarious watching the kids get so puzzled over being allowed to hit something with a stick!

Anyway, after we left we dropped Liz off at mom's house around 6 and then went straight back over to our new house. Jay got to work on painting the vaulted ceilings in the living room, Chris came over and painted all 3 bedroom closets and I got to work on all the trim and the floor in the dining room. All in all we finally left about 11:30, feeling like we FINALLY got something done! It was wonderful.

Tomorrow I have a doctors apt in the morning and then the guys are putting in the hardwood floors tomorrow afternoon while I paint the rest of the subfloors to seal it all off - then carpet goes in on Tuesday! :D YAY!

After that we can attack the kitchen and finish up the cabinets and countertops, then the hall and m/bathrooms but that's not too bad as that's all we have left! So today felt really really good. Like we might actually make this work! LOL Let's all keep our fingers crossed that business stays busy so we can afford to do the rest of this stuff before we move in and not afterwards. ;)

It's 31 degree's outside... and after midnight... so I'm off to bed, sore as anything but happy that we managed to accomplish so much today.


K said...

Yay! Glad to hear things are moving along! your card! Loved it!

Anonymous said...

got your card too! Loved it as well!