Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Update:

Well goodness, Christmas is long gone but we all had a wonderful time and ate way too much. LOL Christmas Eve service was wonderful, our worship team was just fantastic. They really made it an evening to remember... after church we went to Linda's (MIL's) for Christmas Eve Dinner of pot roast with all kinds of goodies on the side. After that we went home and I passed out early leaving Jay to ready the tree for the morning since I was sooooo exhausted. As of Christmas Eve my cold had moved onto a nasty sinus infection - fun fun times... so I slept little that night and was wide awake by 6 am... however my husband and daughter slept until 8:30 - well... actually i woke both of them up at 8:30 because I was bored and wanted to get on with our day. LOL My sleepy kiddo would have gladly slept another hour...

Morning Liz! :D (I'm so rotten!) Anyway, once awake she was thrilled to dig into the big pile of presents, she just *had* to be the one to hand them all out, we got a good kick out of this... "Who dis one for mommy?" LOL And she got stuck on every single present for a LONG time. It was hilarious... the smallest of books would have to be gone through before she could move on to another present, every toy had to be taken out of the box and played with before another gift could be opened... it had us in stitches and also made Christmas last for quite awhile.
Jay and I got each other some much needed clothes (thank goodness Motherhood was running a few sales before christmas!) along with a few "fun" things, and we all enjoyed our overstuffed stockings as well. This is her "Cheese" face... Anyway, fast forward a bit... while we were opening presents, my Cream Cheese Breakfast Casserole was in the oven and making the house smell heavenly. We hauled our breakfast over to my MIL's house where between 5 adults we polished off a 9x13 pan of the casserole in no time, before digging into our second Christmas of the morning. Lizzy was spoiled rotten by her grammy this year, receiving some VERY cute clothes from the Carters store, as well as a Leap Frog learning pad with a few books, a 9 foot tunnel to play outside with daddy, lots of games and books and smaller toys too, AND a Disney Princess Trunk of dress up clothes... good gracious! Jay and I got more clothes and a wonderful gift card to Target with the instructions to go purchase the girls new bathroom accessories. (SO FUN! I had a blast picking it all out last night... ) Anyway, Christmas at Linda's was great fun, Ashley and Emery came over to have lunch with us since Seth had to work all day.... poor guy. We had a huge ham with all the fixins ;) and lots of fun. After lunch we went home and napped and then woke up and went over to my mama's house. Mom and Daddy spoiled Lizzy rotten as well, Liz got a new Baby Alive doll that coo's, cries, eats, pees, poo's, giggles, sucks a bottle, etc. She's really cute. They got her a stroller, some diapers, clothes, etc to go with the new baby...
Lizzy has had SO much fun the last few days walking "baby Abby" (that's what Liz named her) around the house in her stroller, changing her diaper - every 5 seconds, and feeding her a bottle whenever she cries. It's super cute and she's learning how to hold the baby gently, burp the baby after she drinks, etc. I'm hoping this will all help gear her up for Madeline's arrival. Mama got Lizzy a ton of clothes, leap frog toys, art things etc, and got me yet MORE maternity clothes (I'm set now with lots of winter clothes!) as well as a ton of things for Madeline. Mom made Beth and I baby boxes full of diapers, wipes, paci's, bottles, toys, clothes, socks, lotions, bottle cleaners etc etc... it was SO much fun going through all the fun new baby things - and I just had to open the newborn diapers up - and ooooooh how I'd forgotten how tiny they are! It put tears in my eyes seeing those tiny little things and knowing those first few days, those diapers are actually BIG on the baby! Mom also got me the crib blanket to match Madeline's nursery. SO cute. And a fun splurge - I was planning on buying that really soon as it's quite adorable, but now I have my blanket. AND she got me the matching diaper bag!!! Brown and Pink polka dots with pink and brown toile as well. Soooo adorable!
So it was a wonderful Christmas... we all enjoyed our day and everyone was blessed with TONS of new things. More importantly though... it was really special being pregnant over Christmas Day... it was a great reminder of what a special gift I have inside of me, and how amazing Mary of so long ago was to give birth in a stable to Jesus... I can't image the thoughts and feelings of travleling on a donkey in my 9th month of pregnancy... I can't help but wonder what was going through her mind when everyone turned them away with no room in the inn's... and yet she gave birth to Jesus - right there in the middle of a barn... no bed... no drugs... no mom around to help, just her and her unexperienced husband. So scary, and yet so amazing. The birth of Christ really came to life for me this year... which gave the holidays true meaning and made it quite special to be pregnant over such an important day.

Anyways, since Christmas Day, I've exchanged a few things that didn't fit Jay or I, picked up my new bathroom set for the girls room. Here's a picture of the line we went with (from Target's website) we added lavender towels and a huge lavender bath rug for the floor:
All in all, our goal is to try to move in on Monday and Tuesday - hopefully completing the rest of the house rennovations by Sunday night... I went over today and hung 3 blinds. Not a huge deal I know, but anything I can do to help makes me feel like I'm pitching in. (And hanging blinds is TOUGH!) LOL Easy enough for Jay but it took me awhile to get used to the drill, not to mention Lizzy was busy holding on to my legs and begging me to pick her up the whole time - so on the whole, I think 3 blinds was actually quite good. hahaha. Lots of little projects left to do, and still a couple big ones... (beadboard both bathrooms, install new sinks and countertops, finish the pine floors in both baths, and finish "refinishing" the kitchen cabinets... aka... sand, paint, sand paint and paint some more until they look new again.) Not so huge that we can't do it, but it'll definately take awhile considering Jay's got work booked up through Saturday during the day - so it means lots of long nights while we finish all this up. But we're getting there... and by next week this time hopefully I'll be updating from our new house. :) That's all for now!


K said...

Love the bathroom! I've got a soft spot for rubber ducks :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for all the festivities!!!

And it's try...K really does have a soft spot for Duckies. I've seen it in person! (It's really cute!)