Saturday, December 15, 2007


Well, Jay got tired and came home around 8. (Liz and I came back at 7) But since we'd barely touched my list of things to do today - I drove back to the new house by myself and painted the m/bedroom. It took me a little over 2 hours and I am SORE as crap but at least it's done. I made a list of things we need to get done tomorrow - and there is just no way it's going to happen. Oh well... we're doing the best we can.

Anyway... I'm sore and pooped... but at least I got something done. :) Now I'm sitting at home sipping my apple juice slushi from Sonic. Gosh I am addicted to slushies right now. LOL It's a good craving as far as cravings go - at least it's not donuts again like last time. I'm still under 30 lbs total weight gain so far! (With Liz I'd gained nearly 50 by now) So that's nice, I'm still in all my Mediums - the larges are swimming on me. That feels great. I feel SO huge but at least I know I'm not as big as I was last time around. LOL

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