Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Name Issues.

And here I thought we had all that settled! But no, Jay informes me last night that he really really loves Annagrace instead of Madeline. We'd call her Gracey. Now... I'm okay with Annagrace - but I don't like Anna Grace (seperated) as I don't care for the name Anna. Love the variations of the name, but I knew an Anna I didn't care for and that just ruins the name for me. Y'all know how that works. So anyways. Annagrace just looks kinda weird. Like... you have to stare at it for a minute to realize that it's really just two names squished together. And I'm not a weird name person... however.... I love Annagrace. I do. I just happen to like Madeline more. LOL And besides, she's been Maddy to me for several months now! I've been trying out Annagrace just for kicks all day and it feels like I'm talking about someone different - not my baby about to be born, no, that's Madeline. Annagrace is some new being to my brain.


So we'll be working through THAT fun obstacle in the next few weeks. I really prefer Madeline. However I admit, I like Gracey better than Maddy. Sounds more traditional... I can see having a Gracie (or Gracey - can't decide on the spelling) and a Lizzy. And I can see having a Maddy and a Lizzy.

My second thought is that I love how the girls names would flow. Elizabeth Joy and Madeline Grace. Both classic English names, but still not overused in today's society. Elizabeth Joy and Annagrace ______ just doesn't flow as well. Not to mention, from the blanks, we obviously can't decide on a middle name for Annagrace either... where I thought I'd already figured all this out! AHHH.

Okay, I'm done complaining. Name stuff is fun... but I don't like to dwell on it. I like to pick something I love and stick with it. I thought we'd done that... but I guess Jay is having second thoughts - He says he doesn't like that so many people will mispronounce her name (Line or Lyn) We're spelling it "line" but he always says "lyn" which I don't mind though I prefer "line"

Anyway. So that's that. Annagrace is back on the table.


K said...

You could always do what we did, and name her as she's coming out! :P

I actually know a Madeline Grace, so to me, the name seems common. My nephew was almost a Madeline before he was a Ben. You'll find something that will just hit you - it might be neither of them! Keep your ears open!

I was actually calling Anastasia by her almost-name for a while too... So even though she's not a Samantha, I don't have any regrets.

Or you could always name her after me, and solve this whole problem :D

K said...

Oh, and we nixed one potential name for Anastasia because we were SURE that it would get mispronounced. She could have been a Leah. But I just knew it would have been mangled to be Lay-a, not Lee-a. And I would have had to correct people forever and ever. I know when I was growing up that I didn't like when people mispronounced my name, so I wanted to be super uber concious of it for her... But that's just me. I think most people will figure it out if you spell it "line"...

Okay... enough rambling.

Oh, btw... we need another belly shot! :)

Dana said...

I LOVE Madeline Grace...I always call her Maddy..But sadly I have no say so in this..LOL..;p

Whatever yo uguys choose will be wonderful and it will fit her fine....

I miss you so much and need to talk to you...

Love you so much sweetie..:)

Vince said...

Can I name the baby?

Anonymous said...

Vince, do you plan on naming it Ariel? [look around]

She could always name it after me, but Nibbs just doesn't sound right. lol!

Jessica Clemmons said...

Y'all are too funny! LOL How about I name her....

Nibblet DanaKrys VincRiel.

That should cover y'all nicely. :P

Anonymous said...


I think that would work. And I love that I've got first billing! lol!

Jessica Clemmons said...

LOL I think I may have reversed the names on the email though... I couldn't remember exactly what I wrote. hahaha... either way - All of you are included! :D

Anonymous said...

LOL..Lets stick to Maddy..;)