Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday Fun.

After church we went to Gilligans today for lunch. Yes I know this is a seafood restaurant but they had pasta on the kids menu... so here's a picture of Liz, she obviously quite enjoyed her pasta. ;)

When we got home Liz and Jay napped while I cleaned cleaned cleaned. I gave the kitchen a much needed scrub down and then drove over to Big Lots to pick up some storage bins for the sunroom... a couple hours later with 3 loads of laundry down the Sunroom was finally... FINALLY back to normal. I organized my sewing table and all my craft items (I realized I had a lot more inventory than I thought.) So everything is spotless now and we put together Lizzy's new bed! It looks *SO* cute! Check out these pics... she looks so tiny in it! But it'll be something she can grow with for years to come. :)

That was a lot of fun for me. :D And now I can start making Madeline's bumper and bedskirt. I'm going to make Lizzy's bedskirt match the crib's. I think it'll all turn out cute. :) So now I'm pretty much exhausted having not slept at all today and having been on my feet pretty much the whole day. I'm heading to bed early tonight... probably as soon as I finish this post. :D


K said...

Yay for big girl beds! How did it go?

And love the pic of her covered in pasta sauce! LOL!

Dana said...

She is something else..:)

Love the bedding So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Looks like Lizzy loved her dinner!! hahahah

She looks so cute in her big girl bed!