Tuesday, November 13, 2007


What in the world is AnnaTanna you ask? Well, when Hannah Montanna came on TV yesterday afternoon, that is what my darling child started saying excitedly... "AnnaTanna! Mommy! I watch AnnaTanna!" LOL I had no idea she even knew who that was! We don't watch a lot of TV, but often times while I'm making dinner Liz will sit and watch the Disney Channel. Sometimes it's Suite Life and others Hannah Montanna, but this cracked me up. It was a music video and she sang along to half the song!!! Crackin me up! This kid picks up on EVERYTHING! Scary... lol

Anyway, just had to update that, I know I'll love reading that someday when she's 12 and is grounded for sassing me... I'll think back to the days when the only things she knew how to say where sweet and precious to my ears. ;)

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