Monday, November 19, 2007

*bangs head*

I'm ready to kick my husbands BUTT. He just walked in, slammed the front door (on accident of course) went to the bathroom (right beside lizzy's room... where she's napping) shut the door hard and locked it, dropped the toilet seat, then opened it up loudly, forgetting to take off his work boots he "walked" (sounded much more like a stomp) back out of the bathroom... and woke Lizzy up. So now she's a sobbing mess, can't get back to sleep - screaming into her pillow. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*

I've banned him from the house during all future nap times. Seriously. He did the same thing yesterday. He just can't possibly WALK SOFTLY down the hall, crack the bathroom door instead of shutting it and locking it... (who's going to walk in on him GEEZ?)

Anyway. I'm pissed. I was supposed to go to the store but now I have to go continue consoling my miserable teething toddler.

EDIT: Okay, I realize that was dramatic... he's not really banned from our house during nap times... but he is banned from wearing his boots in the house on the hard wood floor. On the other hand, Liz never fell back asleep and was miserable all afternoon... poor kiddo. Teething is tough business. Can't wake up a sleeping kid that isn't feeling too hot without paying the price... now we know. ;)

1 comment:

K said...

Hee. I'm not blessed with a quiet guy either.

And what is it with locking the bathroom door? I find it kinda offensive, frankly, when Marc does it. Don't you trust me enough not to walk in on you? Ugh. Men. ;)