Monday, November 12, 2007

Bed Update.

This'll be quick. Just wanted to update on how Liz did last night. She slept like a dream... knocked out around 7:30 and didn't get up until 8:45. We didn't hear a peep out of her all night long! I checked on her every time I had to get up for my oh so tiny peanut size bladder and she stayed curled up in the middle of the bed under her covers all night long. I was worried that she might fall out since there were no rails like her toddler bed, but she did great! This morning I showed her how to make her bed and she did a pretty good job. All in all, I'd say it was a success! We'll see how the next few nights go. :)


K said...

Sounds like you're on your way!

Here's hoping it stays good like that!

Dana said...
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Dana said...

Thats awesome..:)

She is getting so big..I swear it is hard to believe that she is only 2..:)..Love you

Anonymous said...

Yay! She's getting SO big!!!