Thursday, November 1, 2007


I really should be in bed right now instead of writing this late at night. (Yes, I do realize that 11 at night isn't all that late for most of you... but for me, after the last few days I've had, I REALLY should have been in bed 2 hours ago.) But that's beside the point. I needed to update so here we go. WOW This was a crazy week... I thought I'd blogged a few times this week already, but no - not since Saturday. Okay... so we skipped church on Sunday. I woke up feeling like I needed to get another 10 hours of sleep... we spent the day chilling out from our previous crazy days. In fact, I just asked Jay what we did on Sunday and neither of us can recall anything. I'm sure we did something so I may update later. Anyways, Monday we took Lizzy to the aquarium together. We spent the morning downtown and walked around a bit. Good fun for all. Tuesday morning we had Lizzy's big dress up party at school.
She danced in her tutu through the parade for parents and then had tons of fun playing games. I made pumpkin butter cheesecake sandwiches for the kids along with individual sparkly pumpkins with name tags for the kids. Everyone had a great time and we were all exhausted afterwards. Wednesday we went over to the House of Bounce and met up with some great mom's. Our kids all had a great time playing around together. Liz did great for about 2 hours and then got a bit overwhelmed close to nap time.
So we headed out for a long nap. After she woke up we spent the afternoon with Nanny and then I went to decorate our trunk for Trunk or Treat! That was a great way to spend Halloween. We had so much fun, there was a story for kids about how God doesn't want us to be scared of anything. (Really cute and by the time the story was done the kids were really really into it.) then they had color time outside and after all that we Trunk or Treated. The girls had a blast going from car to car, and since it was mostly preschool kids the parents and grandparents REALLY stepped it up with the candy. Instead of all chocolate they gave out gummy bears, teddy grahms, suckers, all kinds of toddler friendly treats. We did get our fair share of chocolate - but Lizzy has PLENTY of treats to last the next few weeks that don't make me cringe when she eats them. Love love love that.

So that brings us to today. We didn't get in until late last night as we went over to Nanny's again after the ToT'ing and ended up staying until 9. She loved giving out candy to the trick or treaters... at one point my mom and I weren't paying close attention and Lizzy handed a little girl about her age a handful of candy - and then held her hand out... the little girl looked at lizzy, looked in her bag, looked back at lizzy and then picked out a treat and gave it back to Liz. LOL Mom saw it right as Lizzy was taking the little girls treat and we all busted up laughing... we gave Liz her own treat, the little girl some more treats and we all had a good laugh over that.

Fast forward to this morning, Lizzy wanted to sleep in but Rily needed a ride to school as her mom had a doctors appointment so she HAD to get her tush up and going. Rily arrived a few minutes after 8 and the girls ate breakfast and watched Pooh. (Usually we have a no TV rule for school mornings, but we don't normally have friends over before school so I made an exception.) The girls held hands the whole car ride to school and then walked right in without a backwards glance at me. *sniff* I love that Liz has a good buddy. Rily's so good for Lizzy. She talks like a 1st grader. No joke. She told me this morning that she had a pair of flip flops that looked like mine, but hers were red. Then she said she liked my shirt and it fit me nice. (A 2 YEAR OLD SAID THIS) I was dying. Lizzy just stares at her when she talks like that. Liz can't talk nearly as well so I'm hoping Rily rubs off on her a bit. (Rily has two older sisters - 13 and 18 so she's pretty well versed in fashion and learning how to get her point across. LOL)
Anyway, after school I came home and worked on my business stuff while Liz napped. I was able to get alot of things done - now all I need to do is get 2 more things from the fabric store tomorrow and then I'll officially share my new site with y'all. Once I get those last two things I can take some good pics and then I'll be ready to go! I finished 2 baby blankets today... SO soft and cozy. Liz claimed one of them as soon as I finished it so that one's not for sale. ;) But I'm loving all the color options, and let me tell you, the ribbon socks are SOO freakin cute. I'm exicted to add those to the site. I've had a ball making them and Liz has had a ball testing things as I go. She wore some ribbon socks to school today and I got 3 orders off of it. LOL Love that!

Okay. So I'm yawning my head off. I better go head to bed. Tomorrow's supposedly a chill day - we shall see. Nothing but small group planned for tomorrow night... I need a laid back day. I'll update again soon. Hopefully the next week or so will be a little slower... I'll get another preggo pic up soon. It's been almost 4 weeks!


K said...

Yes, it HAS been too long in between your belly shots!

Glad Liz had fun ToTing... and Riley sounds like such a sweetie.

Way to go with using your kid as a model. Just dress her from head to toe and walk her around all the preshools in the area. A walking billboard! :P

Hugs to you guys!

Dana said...

Glad Lizzy had a great time..The pictures are too cute..:)

I can not wait to see the site and those socks..I will have to order some..:)

Love you and I miss talking to you!

It is so funny how we used to have so much time to talk and now that the lil rotten girlies are 2 we have no time at though!