Monday, November 19, 2007


Okay, so much to say... let me condense it a bit.

Friday morning Jay had off so he watched Liz for me. They went to the jump castle together and had a blast! I on the other hand woke up at 7 to get my baked beans and sweet potatoes cooking. Why 7 you ask? Well we had a mommy's Thanksgiving luncheon at Kay's house... and I had to leave the house at 9. I met up with Ashley and Emery at the Tanger Outlets and off we went to Kays house. Except, I've never been to Kay's house, and Ash hasn't lived here long enough to really know her way around... so we got lost - really really lost... out in the boonies, no cell reception lost. LOL We went about 25 miles in the wrong direction before I finally turned around and so we were late to Kays, after promising to be early. Typical me. Anyway, after arriving at Kays and I stuck my sweet potatoes back in the oven to brown the marshmellow's... except... once again, I screwed that up too. I was talking to 5 different people at once, and Jacquie asked me to hold her adorable son Mitch (4 month old) so of course I did... and forgot all about my potatoes... when all of the sudden Jacquie looks up and says "I smell burnt... sugar." Oops. We open the oven and smoke comes pouring out... yeah, I'd left my marshmellow's under the high broiler for... 7 minutes... they only needed to be under there for about 30 seconds. Nice. So the smoke dectectors go off... scare every kid in the whole house, takes about 3 minutes to shut off - which in kid world is hours... smoked out the house... nice Jess, real nice. Fortunately for the sweet potatoes we were able to lift the burnt to a crisp marshmellows off with one spatula flick and the potatoes were unharmed, added more marshmellows and back in the oven they went to be carefully guarded. They actually turned out REALLY good... after all the drama. lol So that was a fun, albeit crazy morning. I got to meet a few new mom's, and chat with lots of the regulars. I love Charleston Mommies... I'm so glad I found that group - they've been a God send for my sanity these last few months. Just being able to vent and chat with other mom's who don't mind the noise of a screaming toddler, crying baby or just understanding that crap happens and kids get sick... it's so great.

So that all happened before 2 on Friday! LOL At 3 I had to be at the Flea Market to claim a table, as I decided I had a ton of extra inventory and wanted to sell some off for holiday money, aside from my regular orders. So I arrive at 3... sit in my car until 3:45 when they finally put the list out for available tables, go grab a table and head home - pass out for an hour before getting right back up to go to our small group. At this point I was missing my girl, I hadn't seen her all day other than the quick hug I got right after she woke up, Jay had her napping when I got home, and then I fell asleep - when I got up I had 15 minutes to get her to my mom's house so we could go to group! Poor kiddo, we were missing each other. Dropped her off at mom's... headed over to our small group, where I forgot that not only was I supposed to bring the garlic bread for spaghetti night... but I was also responsible for the noodles. Dang this pregnancy brain. Fortunately Abby had extra's, so it was okay. Shortly after dinner however I started feeling really crappy - being up so early (And not going to bed the night before until 1am) had taken it's toll and I still had to be up at 5 am on Saturday! So we didn't stay for Bible Study... yeah we were rude, we ate and then went home... except I still had to load up the car, finish wrapping some things up and STILL didn't get to bed until after midnight... *yawn*

Saturday morning came way too early... at 5 am I was up and ready, left the house at 5:30 and made it to the Flea Market (in the 40 degree weather... I had an outside booth) just in time to pay for it by the 6 am deadline. I brought my little space heater which managed to keep my feet from being completely frozen, but my fleece jacket just wasn't cutting it... I was FREEZING all morning... first customers didn't arrive until 8'ish which meant by 6:15 I was sitting there bored. Good thing I brought my book of the month for Charleston Mommies. LOL I was able to read a bit (thought it was hard to see past the cloud of my own breath on the early morning air) and eventually the customers started to arrive... except... they weren't buying, at least not at my booth... the Nike and Fubu (Sp?) booth next to me was selling out... as was the camo's and hunting gear across from me... however, I have a different market, mom's and grandma's... and uh yeah... I realized (a little too late) that these are not the people who shop at the flea market... I should have had camo bows and black with sparkly gold dollar signs bows - and I'd have sold a ton... cute boutique stuff? Yeah Right. I got 5 sales all morning... but fortunately those mom's knew what they were looking for and each bought a ton of stuff, stocking both their kid's bow supply and getting a few extras for stocking stuffers. So it ended up paying for itself, though not quite as well as I'd hoped. Jay showed up at 11 and sat with me (while liz sat in the car parked behind my booth and watched Shrek) until 1:45 when I left... to go to Charli's house for a party. Once again, I kiss my hubby and kiddo goodbye and head off to the party. I almost fell asleep on the way there, I definately should have just gone home and napped - but I wasn't going to let Charli down so off I went to her house, had a good time, almost fell asleep on the sofa (not that it wasn't a great party, I was just super pooped. LOL) placed and order and then drove home, passed out for an hour - and then woke up with a crazy desire to go find our Christmas Tree... No, I couldn't just take a night off and settle in with my family, no I was insistant on going out and tree hunting. Jay (who know is an old pro at dealing with me when I'm pregnant) smiles and nods and off we go... I wanted an artificial tree, he wanted a real tree... he nicely begged and pleaded until I finally gave in and told him that it was his job to water and take care of it though so that we didn't have a match stick come Christmas week. Well all of the sudden this tree hunting thing just got a lot harder... i was planning on visiting Lowes and Walmart to find a good deal on a pretty tree... but a real tree? The week before Thanksgiving? No where to be found. So we agree, Sunday after church we'll call around at some tree farms to see if we can go pick a tree early (as none of them officially open until Thanksgiving) and if we can't, then we get the artificial... but either way, by Sunday night we (as in I) were determined to have our tree up.

So we went to bed early on Saturday night, except I remembered that Ash wanted to borrow the book I was reading, and Sunday morning at church would be the last time i saw her before she left for the holidays... sooooo i read. And read. And read, and finally finished it around 1 am. Pass out for 6 hours, get up at 7 for church and for once we were only 5 minutes late! (A miracle for us) Stick my screaming kid in sunday school. (Who's fine less than 30 seconds after I walk away but does this major drama stuff every week) Church was great, the pastor spoke on "Our inner 2 year old" Definately applicable to my life. After church we went out to lunch with Ash, Seth and their cutie pie daughter Emery. Ashley finally got to see my b**** side at lunch. LOL She said she knew I had it in me but was just too nice to everyone all the time, she was waiting for me to be mean someday. Well she got her wish... the waitress forgot to put my order in, just mine. Old preggo was starving when they brought out all the food for the whole table when she realized she'd never even put in my order... so everyone was done eating when my burger finally arrived. I wasn't having any of that, by that time I'd filled up on bread and the rest of Lizzy's mashed potatoes. I'd been looking for our waitress (who conveniently disappeared) for about 10 minutes and finally asked another waitress to get her for us so I could just cancel the burger. (Up until now, I was frustrated, but completely understood the mistake... hey they happen) but I was getting frustrated when she hid in the kitchen instead of coming to our table... so when she finally brought out the burger (when everyone else was ready for the check) I told her I didn't want it and that I'd tried to tell her, well she looks at me and says.... "Just take it home with you" (From her voice implying that she wasn't about to take it off the check) Um... no. I don't want it now lady... we're ready to go - we have two kids who made it through the meal quietly but were not getting restless and I wasn't going to make a whole table wait for me to eat now that they've finished... so... No. I don't want the burger. She had the nerve to say "I don't understand, you ordered the burger... here it is." At that point my inner B came out and I looked at her and said "Get me your manager and No. I will not be paying for this burger because you screwed up my order." She turned bright red and scurried off to find the manager, looking worried when he walked up and she was standing behind him, tail between her legs... and she didn't even have the nerve to tell him what was going on! I smiled at the manager and informed him the waitress had forgot to put my order in, then when we tried to find her, ignored the other waitress we'd sent after her and hid out in the kitchen for 20 minutes until my food was finally ready, and when i told her I didn't want it and had tried to cancel it, she gave me lip about it instead of just taking it back. He looked over at her and she just rolled her eyes and shrugged... At this he kicked into high gear immediately taking it off the bill, apologizing over and over and all that drama... Anyway, Jay still made me tip her good as the rest of the meal had been great... *grrr* he's always too nice. Ash agreed with me, she shouldn't have gotten anything after that nasty display. But Jay pointed out, we'd just come from church where pastor talked about controlling our inner 2 year old... so I sucked it up and we left her a decent tip.

Anyway... moving on. LOL (this is getting long... gah!) We all took a nap when we got home and then I called around to some tree farms... the first one I called was the place Jay always got their tree's from when he was little, and they were really great... they said no problem, come on out and pick out a tree! I was super excited! So off we went! It's way out in the country, but we listened to Christmas music on the radio the whole way there to get us in the mood... it was great!!! It was dusk when we arrived so the guy gave us a flash light and a hand saw, pointed us in the right direction (we'd decided we wanted a Virginia Pine... long needles and YUMMY smell!) so off we went, this one's too high, this one's too short - this one's too fat, this one has too many holes, i was having a blast looking for just the right tree. Meanwhile Lizzy was looking under all the tree's for Pumpkins. LOL Apparently she thought this place resembled our pumpkin picking adventure so she kept walking around saying "Peeka punkin daddy? Peeka punkin?" (Pick a pumpkin?) We got a good giggle out of that. LOL Finally we found it... the perfect tree... it looked a bit tall to me, but was full and pretty and seemed like it would be a great fit in our home. So Jay cut it down and we dragged it back to the main house. The guy then hooked it up to a shaker (i'd never seen anything like this!) It shook out all the loose and dead needles and then he laid it on a big table and wrapped it up, then tied it to our car for us... it was so fun. I felt like I was in Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation. haha. The coolest part? It was cheaper than buying a precut one off one of those grocery store parking lots! $45 for any size!!! I was impressed. So off we go, stopping off for a quick dinner with Grammy and Uncle Bryan. When we got home I quickly realized.. the tree looked a lot smaller when surrounded by the great outdoors... in our living room on the other hand, it's fairly ginormous. LOL But I adore it. We picked the perfect height. Once we got it in the stand and put the star on - the star is less than a 1/2 inch from the ceiling. It's by far the biggest tree we've ever had, and it's super full which means I have over 2000 lights on it now. LOL We let Lizzy stay up until the lights where finished and when we finally turned them on, she *gasped* and said "Beeteefal mommy! Beeteefal!" It was sooo cute. She just loved all the lights.

Today we'll put on the ornaments and get the rest of the house depumpkinized and full of the christmas things. As I'm typing Lizzy's walking from light to light on the tree looking at each color and saying "Candle light pwetty!" for every. single. light. Too cute.

So that's my book. There were a few other interesting things that happened during this weekend, but these were the major points.

OH! One more thing! Liz is getting her bottom two, two year old molars. Poor kid has been chewing on EVERYTHING lately (usually her hands, a cup or something similar) but isn't running a fever or anything. She doesn't complain much but I can tell every now and then they're bothering her. So anyways, that's the news on our home front. :)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a crazy busy weekend!! You definetly need some R&R time.

Yay! for Christmas trees! I thought I was going to start decorating over the weekend, but it looks like it will have to wait until next week. We're still debating about a tree....Jay says we have no room....I'm debating between fresh or artificial (as much as I love fresh, I'm worried that the curious kitty is going to attempt eat it).

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a novel!

So glad you're keeping busy! I love that you cut down your Christmas tree. I couldn't do that. I don't want to have to take care of it. lol! I'd kill it after a week! So artificial it is for me.

And Lizzy is so cute with all this Christmas stuff! Is this the first year she's really "enjoyed" Christmas?