Thursday, November 8, 2007


Good Gracious, can I just say how much Goose Creek cops frustrate me?! All the sheriffs and corporals are great... educated, know the law, good with people etc. But the regular street cops? Oh dear LORD, I swear they're all touched in the head! AHHH.

So this is leading up to an explanation I promise. Jay got pulled over on Tuesday afternoon/night for a *flickering* headlight. (An hour before it was dark.) The officer wouldn't let him get out and screw the light back in tight... (Clearly a safety issue in broad daylight on a busy street... with Lizzy in the back seat. Yeah. Sure.) Instead the officer shone his flash light in Lizzy's face b/c the tint on our back windows was apparently too dark for him to look through... and it freaked Liz out... she started crying because of the bright light in her face and Jay asked the officer not to scare her anymore with the light. The officer replies "Sir do you want to make this worse?" WTH?! Make what worse? Worse for whom and concerning what?! You pulled him over for a freaking FLICKERING headlight you moron!!! To top it off, since we just bought our car and were transferring tags from our old car, we had to wait until the title came in. So when the cop ran the plates it had our old car (same person, same address, just different car) registered and when Jay showed the cop all our paperwork (which is legally all we had to have as we have 45 days BY THE LAW to transfer the plates) and the cop STOLE (I say stole because he removed it illegally) our license plate! He claimed jay stole it... FROM HIMSELF?! WTH AGAIN?! So he wrote Jay a $300 freaking ticket... MANDATORY that he goes to court, for an illegal plate... that he apparently stole... from himself. *siiiiiiigh* Idiot.

Uh. Hell no. So I call the cop as soon as Jay get's home and leave him a very respectful message stating that perhaps he didn't understand the law... but it's impossible to steal from one's self. And the law states we have 45 days to transfer the tags from the date of sale, which was less than 2 weeks ago. I asked him to kindly return my call and let me know if he would be dropping my license plate off at my house or if I needed to come pick it up, but either way to call me.

No return call. (Not that I was really expecting one.)
So I call him again yesterday, Same topic, same basic message - this time stating that I called back the previous evening and spoke to the dispatcher and asked her to contact the officer and let him know he had a voicemail that needed to be returned immediately. She said no problem as soon as you called in to leave him a message I let him know already. I let the officer know that not only had he NOT returned my call or returned my now STOLEN plate but that now I was making a second call, which I was also documenting.

So I know he got both messages. Still, no return call.

So I go up to the police department today and ask to speak to a supervisor, and the first thing the lady says is "Is this for a complaint against an officer?" Gee... if that's the first thing they suspect, ya think maybe the officers do a lot of this crap to people? She continued "Well all our supervisors are in training so you'll have to fill out some paper work and we can get back with you." Uh, No. I'll wait thanks. "Oh, well I guess I can find a corporal somewhere" As long as she has the power to go over the head of an officer I don't care who you get me. "Please have a seat ma'am."

5 minutes later the corporal shows up, she's a sweet no nonsense gal and I explain to her the situation... she goes and get's me my tag saying we were correct, we did have 45 days. I asked her to speak with the officer about his approach to families and not making small children cry, or threatening that childs father if the father asks the moron to stop putting his spot light in our daughters face. She said she'd review the tape and most definately speak with him about that.

However, the cop was there (of course too busy to face me himself) but the cop told the corporal that he had returned my call AND talked to me AND stopped by my house. To which I informed the corporal that NO, not only had he not called me, but it's impossible that he talked to me when he never even initiated a call... AND unless he decided to stop by the house at some ungodly hour of the night... we were home all evening after that, and NO he did not stop by. (3 lies all in one! How's that for honestly of the law?) *rollseyes*

So I have my tags now. Now I still have to wait for my title to come in... but we STILL have to go to court as our favorite law enforcement officer made it a mandatory court appearance... Nice guy huh? The corporal told me that she'd instructed the officer to get in touch with me before 5 pm this evening and if he didn't to call her back. I plan being very polite and asking that he change the court appearance request... if he chooses to be a bigger ass than he already is... I plan on showing up with enough paper work in the court room to make him look like the proper ass that he is, STEALING our license plate for no LEGAL reason whatsoever. He really... really... does not want a nearly 7 month pregnant woman showing up in the court room embarassing him in front of his friends in the way that I absolutely will if Jay has to take time off for work to show up for this stupid thing.

Hell hath seen no fury like a scorned hormonal pregnant woman. :P

Anyway... I'm hoping my blood pressure goes back down soon as I can tell it's skyrocketing because I was so irritated this morning.

*Vent over - steps off my soap box* :D


K said...

Good lord! What a trial!
I hope it all works out for you! The nerve of some people!

((HUGS)) for the stressed preggo!

Anonymous said...

Ugh!! Sounds like a high quality man. You're much better than person than I way would I be able to stay calm and talk to him today.

Hope you get it all worked out! *big hugs*

Dana said...

What an idiot..I would have been thown in jail for cursing him out..LOL

Hope it all works out of rthe best and relax sweetie..:)

Anonymous said...

Can't fix stupid. *rolls eyes*