Saturday, October 27, 2007

More craziness.

Liz woke up in a great mood yesterday from her nap, so we decided to go to the Trick or Treating event downtown. Lizzy looked so cute in her little tutu - my little ballerina danced all over the house while we were getting ready. Liz was the only ballerina at the party, it took her all of two tables to realize that if she said "Trick or Treat" she would get candy... the hardest part after that was getting her to slow down enough to say thank you to everyone! We played a few games along the way, but before long she had a bucket full of candy so we headed over to the story room (kid version) where there were some sweet ladies reading a story about pumpkins to the kids. They got gummy snacks here (thank God, finally something she could eat!) and a sucker.
After the ToT'ing we went straight to my mom's to drop Liz off and then straight over to small group. I just have to say I really love our group. We have some amazing people in it, and Jay and I really feel blessed to have found such a great place to call "home". We're just finishing our series on Proverbs and will be starting a parenting study soon. It's so great, I just feel like we have so much in common with these people. We're all parents, with a variety of ages between our kids. But we all have the desire to bring up respectful, Godly kids and I learn so much from being around these other more experienced mom's. Each week I feel like a lightbulb get's turned on for me in the parenting department. LOL I'm so new to all this still, sure I think I can handle a baby... but a toddler? Oooooh hooo this is all different. A child who's discovering the world of rebellion and authority? I don't have a clue. And every time I feel that I've finally gotten something right with Lizzy... she grows, changes a little, and I have to start from scratch. It's amazing and frustrating all in one. She challenges everything right now. Pushes every boundry, plays her dad and I against each other when she doesn't get what she wants... so I've realized, I need all the help I can get - and watching other mom's who've walked this road before me is really helping my mindset with everything. So anyways, I'm grateful that we found this group.

Today was a long, and yet short day. We all slept in and had a lazy morning. About 11:30 we decided to go to the Coastal Carolina Fair. $16 later to get in, we decided this would be our "bad" day for the week and we were going to enjoy it! Off to get a corndog for Lizzy and Jay, I got an Italian Sausage with peppers and onions. YUM. Topped it off with a Jumbo lemonade that the 3 of us split and at Jay's promting we tried the fried cheese on a stick. NASTY. Liz was the only one who liked fried cheddar. *barf* Then we walked around for a bit, Jay had to get a Turkey Leg - knowing that he wouldn't finish it but it reminded him so much of Disney World that he just had to get one... we all took a little nibble and then fed it to the birds (nice huh?) After that we headed over to the animals where I fell in love with a horse. They had a couple out for petting and the rest were behind an 8 foot chain link fence... well one old fellow who happened to be behind the fence just looked SO lonely... I stuck a few fingers through the fence and started to scratch him behind the ears (after he'd had a good sniff of my hand of course... I'm not completely stupid) LOL and wouldn't you know he started leaning so hard on the fence he almost knocked it over! He wanted some attention so badly it almost broke my heart. I stayed as long as I could and petted and talked to him while Jay took Liz around to play with the cows. I never felt bad for the animals at the fair until I met this guy... but perhaps he's like that with everyone so he can get an extra pat or two. Anyway, we made our way over to the pumpkin area for a couple of pictures and then decided to head home. We'd only been there about 3 hours but it was getting close to Lizzy's nap time and I've learned my lesson on keeping her out too long. Oh, but on the way out we got a funnel cake with powdered sugar. Good Lord. I think I gained half my pregnancy weight today in fair food. $30 in food later, and $16 in tickets... that was one heck of an expensive lunch. But it was fun, and Liz had a ball so I considered it a sucessful day. We all napped when we got home and then went to Arby's for dinner where I had a salad... and a couple of Jay's poppers. SO not a good idea. One heck of a stomach ache later, it got so bad it hurt to breathe for awhile there! When will I learn... NO SPICY FOOD. I swear, I'm thick sometimes. But that's not news to anyone. LOL

Tomorrow's church, and then hopefully a laid back afternoon. We've been too crazy lately!

1 comment:

K said...

Mickey Pumpkin! Mickey Pumpkin! MUST get one!!!!

And isn't feeding a turkey leg to the birds kinda like encouraging cannibalism? :P

You still look fantastic girl!