Thursday, October 18, 2007

Woot Woot!

Okay, I'm super excited, I'm working on my website for Tailored Tots and for the next 10 days while we're working on it we have a new temp address.

(once we finish it it'll be shortened to either or something similar) but for now, y'all can see what I've been up to over there. I put the whole thing together myself so it's probably got a million spelling errors, but I'm working out the kinks. I'm slowly updating the product list so bear with me... but please please please let me know if you have the time to peek around... if you see anything that needs changed or updated definately say something! Y'all know me and grammer don't mix well. :P Let alone spelling. But I've had several people asking me to make bows for their girls in the last few days, so I'm trying to get this all together so I can do it right (aka legally) so it's a legit business. Anyway, y'all are my closest buddies... be honest please!

Love you all, thanks for all the encouragement and support. You guys are fantastic. :)


K said...

Are you going to put a price list up, or is it there and I'm missing it?

Other than that it looks fantastic! Love the bows! As soon as Anya has enough hair, I'm placing an order!

Anonymous said...

Looks great Jess! I love all the bows. Wish I had a little girlie to buy them for!