Saturday, October 20, 2007

Stuffy Reflections

Liz and I are both fighting allergies right now. Neither of us have been sleeping well and last night at 3 am we had a little party in her room. She woke up crying for me, sobbing for mommy in that sleepy voice of hers that I love so much. I went in and sat beside her bed trying to figure out which ailment was bothering her... from the obvious dripping nose I figured it was that. So I grabbed a few tissues, some more meds and a story and we cuddled and talked for awhile until I saw her getting sleepy again. For almost an hour it was just her and I... it felt like we were the only one's awake in the whole world. Just listening to her tell me about her minnie's, and blankies... watching her eyes light up as she found her favorite one's in the semi dark room. I realized that this time is passing so quickly. Before I know it I'll have someone else needing my attention at 3 am... someone else stealing my heart in those quiet moments of the night. But it also made me smile. In my wildest dreams I can't imagine possibly loving anyone as much as I do my Lizzy, but after I went back to bed around 4, Maddy woke up and was moving all around as if letting me know that she's going to want some late night fun too before long. And once again I felt my heart stretching.

In a few minutes we're leaving to go pumpkin picking. I love these fall moments (with my kid in shorts and sandals) :P It doesn't *feel* like fall outside, but spending time with Jay and Lizzy doing fun activities like hay rides, petting zoo's and pumpkin picking is enough fall for me. :)

My husband has been spoiling me lately. My back has been really sore for about a week now, our pillow top mattress was once much loved... and now it just drives me crazy b/c it's SO bad for my back. So he stopped in at Babies R Us the other day and picked up a Mother's Snuggly Pillow for me. I've had 2 great nights of sleep, where I've actually been able to go more than an hour or two without tossing and turning/peeing/waking up for some other reason. The night before last I slept for 5 hours straight! And last night even with Lizzy and I's little escapade I still knocked out from 4-9 this morning! :D Anyway, that's just one of the sweet things he's done for me lately. Just had to throw that out there... I'm blessed. :)

Anyway, we're leaving in 20 minutes and I need to finish getting ready. Just thought I'd share my little stuffy reflection. ;)


Tiffany said...

The site looks great girly!!

K said...

yay for Jay! Supportive hubby's are wonderful ;)