Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hair Cut Etc.

Okay... so I finally got Jay to take a couple pics this morning before church, they're sort of bad pics - hurried and whatnot, but at least y'all can finally see my hair. I've been getting threatened in all y'all's emails about getting it done - so here you go! ;)

Okay, so now that that's taken care of... lol No real updates. I got some new mums for the front of the house, (Maroon and Yellow) and put up my fall wreath... it's CUTE! We picked up some mini pumpkins to put around the house, but we're going to wait until our pumpkin excursions on the 20th and the 23rd to get the big pumpkins. Can't wait! I'm feeling pretty good... scoured my kitchen last night so it's nice and sparkely. I'm also officially *dieting* but not really. ;) I'm just watching what I eat instead of just watching the portions... I decided to start buying some of those new zero point soups from progresso (actually very tastey!), some 40 calerie per slice 100% whole wheat bread, and low cal turkey and low sodium, low cal swiss. And lots of grapes. LOL I figure if I can start cutting back on the calories and being more careful about eating out, then that might help me curb so much weight gain but still stay healthy for the baby.
That's my goal anyways. Krystyna motivated me... most my friends usually gain a pretty decent amount, but I was completely impressed with how K did, so I've decided to put in more effort to really keep my gain on the 25-30 lb range. Wish me luck! The upside of that is that Jay's been wanting to eat better lately too, so by me only buying the healthy stuff, he's going to start eating better whether he knows it or not. ;)
You know how good it feels to really scour and bleach your fridge? I did that last night (at 10 pm) and today woke up to a wonderfully clean sparkly fridge... I was a bit giddy over it, I admit. LOL Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a crappy housekeeper... there's always a few messes around my house at any given time, but I've been really proud of myself lately... I have one messy room in the whole house - and all the other rooms I've been keeping very very clean! (Vaccuming 2x's a week or more as needed, dusting, etc.) That's pretty impressive for me... I'm usually the biweekly, if that cleaner. The messy room is the sunroom... which also happens to be right next to the laundry room- so it get's the spill over of laundry. One of these days I'll get on top of all that too... but for now, I'm feeling pretty good about my house right now!
So that's all for now... bring on the fall weather! I'm sick of this heat and rain!


Vince said...


*wolf whistles*

Dana said...

Sooo cute!

You look great!

Now come clean my fridge..;)


I miss you!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. WHF and I have been cleaning and decorating up a storm lately! It's so nice when it's clean...but I just don't have the energy to keep it that way. I can't imagine how much less energy you've got! Anyway, as I said earlier, love the hair! It's so cute! *kiss*

K said...

Love the hair!

Wanna watch the Princess so I can clean my fridge ;P

K said...

Oh, and I may have watched what I ate then... but it's not coming off! I'm walking every day she lets me, but those stubborn last 10 pounds aren't going anywhere!

Jessica Clemmons said...

Psht, you look fantastic K... if I can look that amazing just a few weeks after having a baby... then I'd be thrilled! LOL

Anonymous said...

Love the new hair cut! So cute!