Monday, October 8, 2007

Tall Kid.

So I was looking at the ride restriction list on this morning and guess what? Lizzy is almost tall enough to ride... nearly EVERYTHING!


Check this out, she's ALREADY tall enough to ride Kali River Rapids and Goofy's Barnstormer... but she's only an inch and 1/2 from being able to ride: Dinosaur, Primevil Whirl, Body Wars, Soarin, Test Track, Splash Mountain, Stitches Great Escape, Star Tours and Tower of Terror...

Now I know that this doesn't mean I'd actually take her on all those - but some of them?! She'll love Splash Mountain, Test Track and Soarin! How fun!!!! Here I thought we'd be limited to kiddo rides for another couple years - but no, if she keeps going she'll probably be able ride all those rides for our May trip next spring! How FUN! Anyway, this completely made my day. I can't wait to share Splash Mountain with her. She'll just love it, I know! And Test Track? This kid LOVES stuff like that... wow... this will open up a whole new world of rides for her! I think I'll wait a few years for Tower of Terror and Dinosaur... I think those might scare her. But still! This December daddy and Lizzy can ride Goofy's Barnstormer together! I can't wait to see how she does! We'll skip Kali River Rapids for now too - that ride gets WAY too wet and it kind of freaks me out... I've heard of those things flipping before at other parks so I've always had a grudge against any river rapid ride. ;)

So check it out, as of next summer (assuming she grows an inch and 1/2) there will be one ride in each park she's not tall enough for... but everything else is fair game!!!
Animal Kingdom~ Everest
MGM~ Aerosmith Rockin Roller Coaster
Epcot~ Mission Space
Magic Kingdom~ Space Mt.

This is just too cool.

We sat and watched video's on Youtube this morning... Lizzy was requesting all her favorites, we watched Seas with Nemo, Pooh, Peter Pan, Buzz, Wishes, Spectromagic, (some of these were my favorites) :P But it was a fun way to spend some time together this morning... Liz get's so excited when she see's the characters. Too cute.

I'm stranded at the house today - My car's in the shop AGAIN. The radiator sprung a leak this weekend so we took it over yesterday... that's okay though. I have plenty of laundry to do and lots of healthy things for lunch so we'll be fine.

That's it for now... just had to update - there's definately advantages to an extremely tall kid! How fun! :D


Dana said...

That is CRAZY!..:)

Maggie is a shorty..she will not be able to ride any of those rides till she is 10..LOL..

The Good thing is we can get her in for free until she is 10 also...hahaha..

ust kidding...;)

Jessica Clemmons said...

Bahahaha... yeah I already plan on bringing along her birth certificate this time when we go, just in case someone asks... she's taller than most 3 year olds but I want to get my kid in for free these last few months, while it's still legal! :D

K said...

Barely 2 and able to ride all that! Wow!

Good idea to bring the birth certificate though! I don't think I've got hers yet... hrm...

Jessica Clemmons said...

I don't have Lizzy's long one from the state... I have the short one (that looks like a credit card) from the city. I have to special order the long form. This one is just simple, her name, birthday and social. I hope that's enough...

SC is a little goofy when it comes to birth certificates... Ohio just gave out one general size one - not TMI, but it listed the parents and such. SC's long one lists everything from your mother's maiden name to your last 2 address's... identiy theft anyone? *bangshead*

Vince said...

Looks like she'll be riding more stuff than I will. :lookaroun

Anonymous said...

exactly Vince...exactly. A three year old will be braver than Vince. That says a lot! lol!