Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Loooong Night.

I realized last night, about 1:30 in the morning... I'm not as ready as I thought I was for Madeline. Seriously. Lizzy has a cold/allergies and was up every hour on the hour from 7 until 1:30 this morning... we used the snot sucker thingy, but she was absolutely dripping from the nose - the poor kid soaked through her blankie, her pillow and sheet within 3 hours... (and I'm not talking about pee) between the drool b/c she couldn't breathe out her nose and the drippings from her nose she was miserable. My poor baby would cry and cry and I felt so awful. I didn't want to give her any Benedryl since we weren't positive it was allergies and I didn't want to cover up any other symptoms... but in those 5 1/2 hours I realized... I am not ready for Madeline yet. I went to bed around 8 and then the two of us were up until close to 2 am by the time I got her back to sleep that last time... And my body felt almost numb, I was sooooo tired. I cannot even begin to imagine Maddy getting up several times a night and then Lizzy getting up if she's sick too? Lord in heavens shoot me now. Fortunately this is rare... a call into the nurse at midnight said it was okay to give her one dose of Benedryl the next time she woke up - so when she went down at 2, she was able to sleep until 9 this morning. However, Jay got up at 6 for work so I was up with him for awhile. I went back to bed a little after 7, and then woke up at 8:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Liz had soaked her diaper (sheets, blankets, etc) when she got up this morning, but she was in good spirits. Dried snot all over her face, neck, hair and PJ's... but all smiles all the same. LOL

So on top of the full load of laundry I have just from the last 12 hours of my daughters life, I also realized that I'm not quite as ready for this baby as I thought. What if they both get sick? What if all 4 of us get sick?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That is a scary thought.

Anyway, they *promised* my car would be ready tonight (though I have to drop it off again this weekend to get the AC fixed) but at least this way I'll have something to drive... but until then, Liz and I are having a house day. Which works for me. The last few days have been crazy. I'm ready for a break. So that's the most recent update. I hope Liz takes a long nap today... it's only 10 am and I could use one. *yawn*


Dana said...

Awww...Im so sorry Miss Lizzy is feeling yucky..

I know it seems like you will not be able to handle this but you will..

Yuu have some time left and by the time Miss Maddy is here you will be more than ready..:)

Do what I do when I feel like I am so completely overwhelmed with just my rotten Maggie..LOL

Watch Jon & Kate plus 8 on Discovery channel...2..7 year olds and 6..3 year olds...


2 will be a piece of cake..;)

YOu will do great sweetie..You were meant to do this..You ROCK!

Love you!

K said...

love that show! makes me feel so much better ;)

you'll handle it just fine. it'll be a labor of love. i know you can do it!!

Anonymous said...

I know if anyone can have the strength to handle everything it's you. You're such a wonderful mommy and I know that with both Lizzy and Maddy, everything will turn out wonderfully, b/c you will be wonderful.