Monday, September 10, 2007

Potty Update.

Sooo today was a long day. My girly started off in her big girl undies, she did great all morning telling me when she had to pee. I was really proud of her. We made it through lunch, no accidents! And on to nap time! On the advice of a friend I put a diaper over her panties (since she didn't want to take them off) for nap time... that way if she wet, she could wake up and tell me. Well this is where it all backfired on me. She woke up with a massive messy poo, and it scared her badly. She cried and cried the whole time I changed her and cleaned her up - she was really upset that she'd ruined her big girl panties... I put a diaper on her since she was so upset, and for the next hour every time I'd say her name she'd just BAWL. My poor girly. She was so proud of herself earlier this morning, I kept telling her over and over that it was okay, accidents happen, you're doing great, but that didn't seem to help much. It was so obvious. She was disappointed in herself! It made me so sad to see her like that! I don't want her to feel pressured at all. :( After an hour or so she was fine though. She spent the rest of the evening (with a diaper) telling me each time she had to potty. She's funny, she *has* to have a book when she goes though. (Can you tell how many times she's decided to use the potty when daddy was going?) LOL Cracks me up - she kept pulling me in with her, "Mommy potty! Here! Book!" hahaha she makes me smile.

So I guess it wasn't a complete failure, just a rocky time this afternoon - tomorrow I'll just put her in a pull up for nap time, if she poo's oh well. At least it fits like a diaper. I'm keeping her home from school tomorrow, she was still coughing a bit this morning and as unhappy as I was with the other mom who let their kid go to school sick, I refuse to do it to the other kids in her class - even if she's pretty much over it. Nobody will ever accuse me of being that lazy of a parent. UGH (major pet peeve of mine) ;)

Anyway, tomorrow's a new day. We'll try again... we took a nature walk today! We walked around the neighborhood (big girl didn't want her stroller... she held my hand and walked beside me the whole way!) and identified leaves, flowers, grass, tree's, the sky, etc. It was fun just being outside and quiet with her... she get's really excited when she see's something new and asks what it is.. (eg: Palm tree's stumped her) It was cute.

So that's it for today - nothing pregnancy related to offer today... I realized that someday I'll love looking back at these updates on Lizzy - I wish I'd have blogged her first two years as well... oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that. Let's hope tomorrow's more successful! :)


K said...

Blogging is addictive! You're really going to love looking back on this, plus it makes for neat entries into baby Too's scrapbook!

Keep up the good work with Miss Lizz! I know she'll get it eventually - it might take a while -she's starting very early! I'll probably be coming to you for advice soon!

Dana said...

Aww Poor Miss Lizzy....She will do great I know she will and she has a great patient mommy..:)

I have a diary I guess from Maggie's first year but then she became more active and I quit..I wish I would have kept are doing a great job so we have all fifty million videos and pics of maggie and Lizzy on Dropshots..;)

Keep up the good work and Kisses for Miss Lizzy and you too..You are looking so beautiful...:)

Love you!

Dana said...
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