Monday, September 10, 2007

Leap of Faith.

So I decided that I'm going to work with Lizzy this week on potty training. So far it's been pretty casual, we haven't really pushed it - we just sit her on the potty before bed and bath time, if she goes great and if not we don't worry about it. But lately I've noticed she *really* wants to learn - anything and everything. She's been asking all kinds of questions, about everything under the sun. And I think with a little guidance and effort she might just be ready to potty train... maybe not - but we shall see.

She's currently wearing her big girl panties right now. I know we'll probably have lots of accidents - but I figure while we're stuck at home (my car's still broke) I might as well make the most of it and let her stay close to a potty while she's learning. :)

We shall see! I'll keep y'all updated - it might be too soon but I figure we'll give it a few days and see how we do. I'd love to have her pottytrained before Christmas, and with any luck we might just make it long before that!

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