Saturday, September 29, 2007


As if yesterday wasn't bad enough... I was just in the kitchen making dinner and my daughter struck AGAIN. UGH this kid is too smart for her own good...

First... she opens the (hard to open) door to our room.
Second... she goes to my nightstand and opens the top drawer.
Third... she pulls out my curling iron, plugs it in and....

Yep. You guessed it.

She burned her hand. UGH UGH UGH. Not bad... just a red mark... but there I am pulling something out of the fridge, thinking she's still sitting on the couch watching a movie, when I hear her scream... *sigh* A little ice and the redness went down - fortunately she grabbed it before it was all the way heated up.

What am I going to do with this girl? I try to keep things out of her reach/sight/close the doors behind me... and now she can get into ALL OF IT.

*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I guess now I need to put those kid proof door thingies on the rooms she's not supposed to be in now. Good Lord, raising kids can be tough. LOL


Dana said...

Oh Goodness..That girl!
I am glad she is okay!..
Child proof it all..She is crazy!..Can you imagine the teen year..;)

K said...

Wonder what tomorrow will bring? Wow... time for those cabinet locks indeed! Curling iron burns hurt! Poor kiddo again!

Anonymous said...

Wow...she's a walking accident waiting to happen! *kiss*