Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Listening and Shots

Remember the song I quoted the other day?
Well here's a link: http://www.myspace.com/alabama1111
There you go. Tear Jerker.

So today was Lizzy's two year old well check! She weighs 29 lbs and is 37 1/2 inches tall!!! She's off the charts for height and 75th percentile for weight. Her head is only in the 50th percentile... is that good? I guess that means she has an average size head - idk, I'm so used to her being of the charts, 50% sounds so... average. :P She impressed the doctor with her vocabulary: Stop! Quit it! Please don't! (All while the doc was checking her ears.) haha. She's such a nut. Her doctor said she's in perfect health. After the doc came in she had 4 shots and a finger prick (iron test). Poor baby. She was fine during the iron test, didn't bat an eye... she was too busy asking for more bandaids as the nurse put one on her other hand to distract her, well of course she wanted one on both hands silly! So after the prick she was all smiles b/c she had a neon bandaid for both hands. Weee! Oh but wait, now we had 4 shots to get through. In the past they've let me hold her in my lap facing me so that I was able to hug her tight while she was getting her shots - well not anymore. They had to give them in the tops of her thighs this time instead of sides... so she had to face the nurse while I held her arms down and her legs between mine. Can you say heartbreaking? I sobbed right along with her. Although after the shots she got her 4 neon bandaids on her legs and that cheered her up a bit. AND as soon as the nurse left - she wanted to go sit on the doctors swivel seat... all tears were gone. She paraded out of the office with a big grin on her face, cheeks shining with tears, perfectly happy with so many fun colored bandaids to play with. *sigh* This will always be harder on me than it is her I think. LOL I was still sniffling from having to hold her still.. and she'd already forgotten all about it. Oh to be 2 again...

She came home, ate lunch, played quietly in her playroom for a bit and then knocked out for 3 1/2 hours. Woke up feeling yucky, so we loaded her up with more Tylenol. That definately helped. She's been a bit whiney all day but nothing too bad. All in all I figured today would be much more tramatic than it was. Although the doctor wants us to come back for a flu shot next month. Psht. Fat chance. I don't do flu shots. I've never had it, DH's never had it, and knock on wood - Liz won't ever have it. So I'd rather take my chances than submit my family to a round of expensive shots *just in case*

Is that bad? LOL Oh well. That's my take on it. I know plenty of people who don't even immunize their children at all, so I figure I'm allowed to slip up on the flu shot thingy.

Anyway. Eggs, grits and toast for dinner. Nice mellow meal. Jay got up at 5 this morning for work and just got home at 7:30 - looooong day for him. He said a hot breakfast dinner sounded good to him. Works for me, it's easy and cheap. :D

That's all for now... every time I listen to this song I start bawling again, *sigh* I can't WAIT for these hormones to pass.

Oooh Oooh! I forgot! We booked our ultrasound for the morning of our 4th anniversary! YAY! We'll hopefully be finding out the gender at 9am on September 20th! YAYNESS! *super excited* about that!

Well it's time to put my princess to bed... she's standing here, hair all in her eyes with her cinderella dress on (did I mention she's addicted to this dress now? It *has* to be put on every time we're home.) so I'm off now. Good Night!


Dana said...

Aww..Maggie does not go till the 25th of September...:(

Lizzy is a tall girl and her head size is good..better then too big or too small..;)

Maggie gets the flu shots plus she gets the RSV shot every Sept thru April because she was so early...

I never had a flu shot when I was younger either...

I can not wait to hear what you are having..SO exciting!..Poor Jay...Drew has been working his booty off also...What guys we have..:)

Kisses for you and Lizzy..Love you and we need to talk soon..I miss you!..

Off to listen to that song..:)

K said...

Soooo....Are you going to tell what it's going to be???

I never had a flu shot growing up either, and the one year I decided to try and get one, they wouldn't let me because we were "trying". go fig.

Jessica Clemmons said...

I might tell everyone but you K. :P Give you taste of your own medicine? :D KIDDING> You know you're on my top 10 to tell! :D

I'll definately let y'all know... I'm soooooooooooo excited. I've been completely addicted to the show "First 36 hours" hahah