Friday, September 7, 2007

Sick Day.

So I knew this was coming... kiddo got her first preschool cold. Or bug. Or something of that nature... I noticed last night she had an occassional funky cough. But it sounded fake - however, she never fake coughs so I was thinking it was probably the begining of something. And I was right. Fast forward to 7 am. She's up with a snotty nose and bad cough. Fun times... I load her up with vitamins, Oj and whole wheat toast for breakfast - within an hour her tummy's upset, and she tells me too. Mommy! Tummy! :( Poor baby. So first diaper change - up the back, out the sides, down her legs - throw her tush in the bathtub. There she plays for about 10 minutes before Jay calls and says - by the way - I forgot to put the pieces back in the van so before you sell he rodeo today you better do any errands you needed to do b/c you won't have the car until I get home and fix it. Great. So I load my not feeling good toddler up, go run a couple errands, end up at walmart where I need to pick up some groceries... Lizzy starts saying Owie Tummy. So I pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder while I'm steering a cart around walmart trying to hurry up and get the heck out of there. I picked up some meds for her and out we go - walk in our front door - another explosive diaper. At least we made it home. Back in the tub (that's how messy these were) change of clothes, the whole nine yards. Almost lunch time. She wants green beans. So I give her green beans - I figure those are pretty mild. Then she wants macaroni and cheese - Ok that's not too bad either so I whip some up and she eats about three bites and wants to go play... mommy dress! On goes the cinderella dress. 5 minutes later? Mommy tummy.... off goes the poopy dress, clothes, diaper, 10 wipes later I put some pj's on her and put her in bed for her nap.

*sigh* It's been a loooooooooooooong day. And even more fun - now I'm feeling yucky. It's 7pm and Jay's not home from work yet. I'm glad it's Friday and we can just chill together tomorrow. Hopefully this is just a 24 hour bug and Liz will be over it by Tuesday and can go back to school. I know one of those snot nose little buggers gave her this cold. *grrrr* But I'll keep her on her vitamins and healthy veggies and such - hopefully with enough Vitamin C and Iron in her diet she can kick this pretty quick.

That's all for now... my house smells like poo. I just spent 20 minutes ridding every room of anything that smells like poopy and covering all the rooms in baby powder. Now my house smells like a powdered poopy diaper. Wee.


Dana said...

Awww..Poor baby!..and Mommy..:(

I so want to go back to work at the daycare and bring Maggie but I am so scared of what she will get while there..especially with her immune system...

She is a pretty healthy girl right now and I hate when they are sick...

Hope it is not so serious and she feels better soon and hope you do not get worse..

Hugs sweetie..Love you!

K said...

Poor Miss Liz! Those preschools can be hotbeds of germs!

If it's any consolation, my house smells like poo too!