Friday, September 21, 2007


So in all the craziness I didn't even mention why we chose to do the ultrasound yesterday... Yesterday was our 4 year wedding anniversary! :D We actually went on our first date 7 years ago on September 17... so it was great to be married so close to a monumental day for us.

We decided that this year our gifts to each other would be the ultrasound, and it truely was a perfect day. We didn't do anything special other than the u/s. We took Liz to Wild Wing for dinner last night. Not exactly a romantic setting but it suits our current lifestyle and they have great food. Although... they have this super spicy appetizer that I LOVE and last night it made me incredibly ill. I was so bummed... last pregnancy I was the same way about half way through - no more spicy food at all. Soooo sad. I'm not huge on spicy stuff, but I love their Hot Shots. However, I spent the majority of the evening with a very very upset stomach so it was early to bed for all.

Oh well... looking back all of our anniversaries so far have been rather interesting. Our first anniversary we went to the Hard Rock Hotel in Universal and thought we'd give them a chance - we had a miserable time and swore we'd never return. (However we had a great anniversary choosing to ignore the nasty management and 3 mile walk to the parks.) We had an amazing dinner at the Palm Grill and made the most of it while talking about how fast our first year had gone by.

Our second anniversary was 3 weeks after Lizzy was born. We went out on our first date since her birth and were back to the house in 40 minutes. LOL Too funny. Looking back I remember gobbling up dinner and calling every 10 minutes to make sure everything was ok. When we got back to my parents house Lizzy was sleeping on my daddy's chest - dead to the world. Other than that, I was to tired to remember anything else from that anniversary. ;)

Our third anniversary we were seperated and both struggled through the whole day...

While this, our fourth anniversary we found out the gender of our new baby and went on a date with our daughter. LOL We clearly don't make a big deal of anniversaries but they're special to think back on our wedding day and remember why we got married.

So here's to hoping the next 4 are a little less exciting. LOL I'd prefer a boring old life for a few years. ;) 4 years and counting! Crazy how fast it's flown.


Dana said...

I think it sounds like an AMAZING anniversary..But I like simple and happy..:)

Im glad things are great and I hope and pray for 5o more wonderful,happy,"boring"..;)...years..Those are the best kind..:)

Love you all...:)

The Days said...
