Sunday, September 9, 2007

15 Weeks!

Wow I have to say this week went fast! I woke up this morning in the best mood. Lizzy's feeling a little better - no more snots, just that funky cough every now and then. Jay's outside under the car getting ready to replace a water filter - sound easy? He has to drop the whole engine to do it. Fun times. Poor guy spent almost all day yesterday working on it and he'll be on it the better part of today too. And chances are I'll be without a car for a few days this week... but you know what? That's ok! If the weather continue's like this Lizzy and I can walk everywhere!!!! Amazing how good it feels when the weather drops from the high 90's to the mid 80's. This is amazing! Still plenty warm (if not hot in the afternoons) but in the morning/evening's it's only in the high 70's which is pure bliss. I'm absolutely loving this weather. :) If I could move somewhere where it was this temp year round - let me tell you, I'd be one happy girl!

I'll take pics later - I'm wearing a tube top type shirt right now and I'm not sure if that's appropriate for a picture. LOL It shows off my arm pudge. ;)

Anyway! 15 weeks and our wee one is about 4 inches long! I've gotten many kicks and jabs this week - nothing painful or noticeable from the outside yet - but I love getting them. I can't *WAIT* (have I said this before?) for next Thursday!!!! A week and a half from now we'll find out if the wee one has a hot dog or a hamburger! (As my pregnancy update so sweetly put it) hahaha made me giggle, I just had to throw that in there. LOL

Pic to come in a bit. :)

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