Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Yes that's what lizzy calls miss Anastasia. LOL Cracking me up, we were just scrolling through pictures together and I asked her if she knew the baby's name... (right after I told her) and she said. "Anajedus!" (Combo of Anastasia and Jesus I think) :P Ooooh that was cute.

When we got to the teacup pictures she went "Awww Cuuute! Beebee in Cupie!" LOL Gosh I can't wait for baby 2! I know I'll have a thousand funny/cute things to post then!

So today is Jay's birthday! :) I woke up early with him and he got to open one of his gifts, then I went back to bed for a couple hours. Liz got up at 8:30 and ate 2 whole waffles! (And asked for more!) little piggy! Mom picked Liz and I up around 11:30 and we went over to her house for awhile so kiddo and I could get out. I was looking through mom's baby closet... I have to say - I'm really hoping for a girl. I mean, I'm all for puppy dogs and sail boats - but I realized today that girls are familiar territory for me - and I think I'll make the adjustment from 1-2 kids alot easier if the next one's a girl. I can't imagine having Lizzy to take care of and trying to learn how to take care of a boy - you know, parts and stuff. Not to mention, boys are just SO different. I was glancing through my Babies R Us catalog earlier and realized - I just gravitate towards girl stuff. The outfits, blankies, clothes, the babies themselves. LOL Anyway... I'll be happy either way - I just always thought that I'd be die hard wishing for a boy for baby 2 - and now that I'm here - I find myself wishing for another girl. Funny how it all works out. Either way I'll be truly thrilled, I want a boy for Jay - he'll have so much "boy" fun with a little guy - but if Jesus let me pick.. I admit, I'd be torn. :) Good thing God knows exactly what we need even before we do.

Anyway. I just pulled a carrot cake out of the oven. YUM. We're off to MIL's for pizza and cake. (Perfect pregnancy diet food right?) :P

Just thought I'd jot that down, *giggle* Anajedus. LOL


K said...

Hee! Cute! Looks like Amadeus almost. Can't wait to get the girls together!! BTW, we're heading to Orlando/Vero in the last week of January... That might be too close for you to travel, but a meet up would be fun! ;P

Jessica Clemmons said...

Hmmmm... Probably too late but we'll see - we've been talking about doing a day or two at Vero for something relaxing... so maybe!

Dana said... sweet...Lizzy is a cutie..:)

Happy Birthday Jay!

I can not wait till you find out what you are having...Soo exciting..:)

Miss you..Love you!