Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Adventures

So I started helping a friend of mine this week, she runs an at home daycare and just found out she's pregnant, so she needs someone to come in once a week and watch the kids for her while she goes to the doctor... she's high risk due to previous pregnancy issues so she'll be going biweekly from the begining, and then on the off week she can go get groceries and what not. She's paying me $30 a week for 2 hours. Works for me. That'll cover my gas and lunch for kiddo and I for the week! :)

I went over to her house to meet the kids today, she watches a 2 year old little girl named Sasha, a 3 year old little boy named Caleb and a 8 week old baby boy named Chandlon. I'll have Liz with me so that makes 4 kids to keep up with for 2 hours... think I can handle it? LOL I'm glad to help and fortunately she schedules her appts early so the kids will be pretty mellow as she keeps the Disney Channel on in the mornings while everyone's waking up. Chandlon is absolutely adorable, he's short and tiny. 8 weeks old seems so tiny still, but I know Madeline will be even smaller than this when she arrives! WOW. Chandlon still has the baby curl... where every time you pick him up he arches his back and curls his legs up tight. Soooooo precious. I think that's one of my favorite baby things I'm looking forward to again.

The other kids are laid back and quiet. So I think it'll all work out fine. :)

Anyway, in other news, my car broke down on the way home... (yes, the one we just got fixed for another problem) UGH. It's an '01 but has a ton of miles on it... if it's not an easy fix we might just go get something small and new this weekend. We really don't want the extra bill right now, but this is getting ridiculous. I've got to have a reliable car to drive. UGH.

Fortunately it broke down right outside my mom's neighborhood so she was able to take me to Liz's school so we weren't late to pick her up. It all worked out, b/c I wanted my mom to meet Lizzy's teachers and the preschool director since she might be picking Liz up occassionally. We picked up some chicken nuggets on the way home... kiddo and I split them and now my stomach is upset. Gross. I hate eating junk like that... but I need groceries and now that my car is broke down, I knew it was drive through or empty belly's for lunch today.

So that's it for today, I think. LOL It's only 12:30 - I suppose the day could get more exciting, but I really hope it doesn't. ;)

1 comment:

Dana said...

Aww..YAY for taking care of the babies..:)

I want to go back to work at my daycare sooo bad..:(

Im sorry about the car..hopefully you can figure something need a safe reliable car for you and the girls..:)

I miss you ..:)

Love you and Miss Lizzy..*kisses*