Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Babies and more!

Wow... so Anna and Nathan just welcomed Joeseph Nathan into their family. He was a healthy 8 lb baby and he's absolutely gorgeous. Dark hair unlike his very blonde brother. This was their last baby. 2 in all so it's been an exciting week for them...

AND Laura and JR just had their son too! Austin James was 6 lbs 3 oz. 3 weeks early... what's with all you first time mom's going early?! So not fair. LOL I haven't got to see pics of Austin yet but can't wait to. His mama and daddy are both really gorgeous people so I'm sure he'll be one very handsome boy.

It's so exciting to see all my friends have their kids! And it makes me doubly excited to have our next one. :) Beth, Mom, Caleb, Liz and I all went shopping today - Beth and I tried on some fall/winter maternity clothes we found onsale. I really need to go back and pick up a couple things. Motherhood has kahki cords for $25! That's amazing for that store... but better yet - JC Penny's had the same style for $18 onsale! Love those deals! I want to go pick up a pair of dark brown one's and I loved the green one's. Counting my jeans I think I could get through the rest of my pregnancy on those! And I found a cute zip up sweater that I LOVE. It fit really cute. The right maternity clothes actually give me a cute belly instead of looking like I have a beer gut. :P

I need to watch what I'm eating even more carefully. I'm going to go ahead and bet this is another girl. I'm gaining in my face again... definately a girl thing in our family. And I've been doing really well with eating... (of course I didn't do BAD last time, I just finished what was on my plate) *sigh* I've not gained a ton yet, but it's showing everywhere and I hate that. UGH. Definately not looking forward to the next 5 months especially since beth is already so tiny, not to mention it's her first baby - she's 10 weeks - and of course - still has a completely flat belly and tiny figure. It's going to be a looooooong winter.

But on the bright side - if all goes according to plan we should be able to find out what our wee one is tomorrow!!!! OMG I'm SOOOO excited. I was actually so excited last night that I didn't sleep well at all. (Of course, I went to bed at 9) Seriously. LOL But I was up several times last night thinking about the new baby. I so hope everythings in good shape and that whatever the sex they're growing healthy and strong inside me. I get so nervous sometimes. I woke up on Sunday cramping a bit... as it turns out the only place that hurt was my bladder so I think kiddo was at an odd angle or something and really just kicking like she's in a soccer tournament. I hope that's all it was. Doc said if I spot or cramp anymore to come in, but I didn't. I just hope tomorrow goes well and everything looks good. I haven't felt the baby as much this week, but my tummy has definately popped out more. I'm hoping maybe he/she's just sitting differently. Idk... I'm a worry wart. Either way, we'll know tomorrow! :D

So yesterday was crazy. I dropped girlfriend off at preschool and then came straight home and cleaned for 3 hours. Picked her up, fed her and put her down for a nap and then cleaned for another 4 hours. Holy cow was I tired. (I think that's why i went to bed at 9. I just couldn't keep my eyes open!) Jay loved it though so it was all worth it. He came home and there wasn't a mess to be seen anywhere. (well excluding my kitchen, I'll attack that nonsense tomorrow) Everything was freshly vaccumed and I put up some new wallflowers in a fall scent so everytime we walk in the door now it smells like fall. I love it!!!

Okay that's pretty much it for now, just wanted to throw an update out there - 2 new baby boys arrived this week! Is that a sign? Or is my gut feeling right? (For the record, last time I had a gut feeling it was a boy. So I don't claim to be good at this gut feeling thing.) LOL We shall see soon... Oooh and I'm not calling or texting anyone - but you will all find out by tomorrow afternoon - I've got a different idea. :D I'll send out a text that says check your emails!!! I'll try to have it up by lunch time. ;)

Hopefully today is the last day of not knowing!!!! I'M SOOOOO EXCITED! :D


Dana said...

aww..How sweet!..Congrats to the new parents..:)

Glad you found some great deals..:)

I can not wait to find out..I think girl also but a boy would be sweet too..:)..I am going to be losing my mind you better tell us all quick..;)

Im glad all is good for you and I love you!

K said...

Ooh! You'll have to post ultrasound pics! I can't wait to find out! I'm notoriously bad about picking out baby genders, so I just hope he/she's healthy and all the fingers and toes are accounted for. ;)

And you're lucky you get nice roomy winter maternity clothes to wear! Being pregnant during shorts and bathing suit season was awful! Sweaters are so much more forgiving!

Love you! Can't wait!