Thursday, September 6, 2007

Countdown Begins.

To 3 that is. Yes I gave Lizzy a new ticker today... I loved watching her draw closer to 2... and now my baby girl is working her way towards the world of 3 years old! I suppose the terrible two's may be headed our way eventually, but so far she's still an absolute joy to be around most of the time. I picked her up from preschool today and her teacher said "Miss Elizabeth showed us all her dancing skills today!" (Uhhhhh she has dancing skills?) Apparently so. She gave them quite a giggle. LOL She's really adjusted to her preschool class - loves going, doesn't cry when I leave and talks about her friends all day long. First words out of her mouth this morning? "Sydney!!! Ava!!! School!!" LOL She actually woke up last night around 10 calling for me, when I went in to see what was wrong she wanted to get ready for school. LOL It was so funny. "Mommy light! School time! Backpack!" Crack me up! Noooo baby, time for sleep - mommy will wake you up in the morning when it's time for school. *deep sigh* Okay mommy. I laid her back down and she rolled over and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. She was determined to fall asleep right away so she could go to school soon!

Man I love my girl.

Anyways... my baby is now going to be 3 in 11 months 2 1/2 weeks. :P I'm really loving this age so I'm not sad about it... I'm looking foward to being able to communicate even better with her over the coming months/years. :)

So that's all for now... fun times, new tickers and big kids. That's my life!

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