Sunday, September 30, 2007

18 Weeks.

So I'm 18 weeks today! +12 lbs. UGH. Overall enjoying this phase of pregnancy...

I *finally* got a day with my husband... we woke up this morning and decided to skip church. (I know... bad.) But we all got ready and went downtown for a LONG walk... we walked around the pineapple fountain area and down our favorite pier where Jay proposed... we walked across downtown Charleston to our favorite little BBQ place, Jim N Nicks... then we walked all the way back to where we parked - probably a couple of miles or so all together. It was so great just to spend some time with him. He works so much lately that Liz and I feel like we never see him, so it was a special morning. We just got home and put Liz to bed, (she's in there talking to herself right now, counting her blankies.... "One B... Two B... Twee B... " ) Too cute.

Anyway, I found my camera (under the sofa) and finally got around to another belly shot... so here you go! :)

That's all for now... I'm off to take a nap. :)


BC Coupon traders said...

I was checking to see if there was any new news on Anya today and I stumbled on this! You look beautiful! Looks like Liz is keeping you very busy. Since I'm spending the day relaxing before I head to work later tonight (ugh!) I thought I would read back a little bit. I went to get my hair cut with a picture of Katie Holmes new didn't turn out so well. I'm not sure if it wasn't cut right or what, but I am definetly not a fan. Luckily it is starting to finally grow out!

Dana said...

You look beautiful!

Glad you all had a great Family Day!

Love you!

K said...

Yay!! you do look great! What 12 pounds??

Almost 1/3 the way there!!

Jessica Clemmons said...

Actually... I am 1/3 there K! :D I'll be half way there in 2 weeks! :D

BC Coupon traders said...

Looks like I had to be all proper for you....the Christina is actually Chrissy =)

K said...

Oh... yeah. Blame that on Mommy brain! ;P

K said...

You'd think I'd know that!

Jessica Clemmons said...

LOL Pregnancy/Mommy brain sucks. LOL And it won't fix itself for a LONG time... *sigh* ;)

But that's okay, I knew what you meant and that's what counts. :D

I can't believe I'm almost half way done... that feels so weird!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie! You look so cute!!!