Thursday, February 7, 2008


Well the positive part of this is that Maddy's been moving more - definately heading south for the big day, she was kickin and squirmin all night long so that made me feel good...

On the other side of things, I started coughing up blood and running a high fever last night so I'm on my way into the doctors as soon as they open. Jay didn't sleep at all and kept waking me up from whatever little sleep I was getting to take my temp - it really freaked him out, he said he could hear my lungs crackling. Yay. So off to the docs I go - I'll update later.


K said...

Goodness! You've had more than your fair share of ickyness!!

Here's hoping it's something fixable! Keep us updated!

Anonymous said...

Hope all is okay!

I am thinking of you sweetie and hoping that all is well and Maddy comes soon...You so need a break..LOVE YOU !