Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Still here...

Well those contractions are still coming, but no worries... they're not getting stronger or longer so I think we're good for now - I'm still hanging in there. SLOWLY starting to feel a bit better... yay! I'm all stuffed up still, but even that is making headway - (I've only got it on the right side - which means I can breathe out one nostral! YAY!) haha sounds dumb - but it's been nearly 5 weeks since I could breathe out my nose - I'm grateful for that. LOL

So anyway, my mom brought over some fun gifts today - a new robe for the hospital and some PJ's for the day after baby when everyone's visiting... along with some cute flip flops for those miles I'll be traveling between the hospital bed and bathroom. ;) SO I guess I'll start packing my bag tonight. haha - it's been a long time coming but I'm finally feeling motivated to do it...

We also got a fun gift in the mail today! Laura, JR and Austin sent us a beautiful Wendy Billismo (sp?) Blanket for Madeline along with a Doc Brown's bottle gift set! I'm so excited about both of them! The bottles will come in VERY handy (I had just put "more bottles" on my shopping list this morning!) and the blanket is the softest thing I've ever felt... I can't WAIT to wrap Madeline in her new blankie! It's brown and pink (go figure) LOL and ooooh so soft. :) Anyway, that made my afternoon finding that fun box on the porch!

So for now, I'm still pregnant - with a brighter outlook now that I can breathe a little. I'll hopefully be updating soon!


K said...

*cough* SOME of us still need your new address...


Anonymous said...

I second that! I would love to go shopping for some cute girlie things!

Anonymous said...

Yes..Please email us your address or write it here..I had it but I lost it..:(

Glad you are feeling better..and I am so excited it is soo close..

Anonymous said...

agreed with all of them!

And sweetie...I'm so sorry things have been so crummy lately...but I'm glad to hear that the light is starting to shine!

K said...

You know... I'm going to expect a post every day now just to let us know you're still there...

Thinking of you! :)