Saturday, February 9, 2008


So. Where do I begin? Yesterday was a LOOOONG day. I woke up with a high fever and went in to my OB - it was a pretty good visit - we scheduled an induction for Monday the 18th. I spoke with her attending physician and we worked through everything they were having trouble with before... but, I told her - I'm still not feeling good. I'm trying not to complain but seriously. I feel like crap - she wrote it all off to pregnancy so off I went.

Met my mom, grandma, and sis at mom's house and the 5 of us (including Liz) went out to lunch together and then came back to the house where Mom, Aunt Jill, Grandma and Beth all had baby gifts for Madeline. Everyone got us a TON of diapers and wipes - which is awesome... I'll be set for about 3 months with all this!!! So exciting. Let's hope Maddy doesn't grow out of newborns too quickly as I've got 3 big packs of them... along with that they got the baby some new clothes, so it was wonderfully fun - but I was waning fast - I knew I had a fever the whole time we were out so I took Liz home to nap around 3 and I passed out too.

Here's where it get's interesting... I'd taken 2 Extra Strength Tylenol around 1 when I picked Liz up to go to my mom's... hoping that would break my fever. It didn't. So when I woke up from my restless nap - my fever was over 102. I had no idea what was safe or not safe for pregnancy so I called down to my doctors office and they said "Get to labor and delivery NOW" Apparently anything over 100.5 I'm supposed to go in for - 102.5 was WAY too high. *sigh* So, Lizzy's still napping, Jay's at work - and I'm way to sick to drive myself 30 minutes downtown. I call Linda and she rushes over to stay with Lizzy... 11 calls to Jay's cell - no answer - he left his phone in the truck. UGH. About 30 minutes later as I'm freaking out at the house - Jay pulls up right behind his mom, his phone got bumped to vibrate and he couldn't hear it. Stupid cell phones. SO he freaks out when he see's me sitting in the car with my head resting on the window - Jay's mom goes inside to stay with Lizzy until she wakes up - and Jay and I head off to the hospital. My fever was getting higher and higher and I was getting more worried by the second... Madeline had stopped moving all together about an hour previous and I was freaking out.

We get to labor and delivery - and they're completely packed/overbooked. There's no place to put me. Fun. So they put a stretcher in the oxygen room and get me hooked up to the monitor, it felt like I was camping. I was in a supply closet for Pete's sake! They found Madeline's heart beat right away - but it wasn't good - her heart rate was going between 185 and 205 - WAY too high for a newborn - My heart rate was averaging 160 - (supposed to be between 70 & 100) But the nurses wrote it off to the fever. So then we had to figure out - why is my fever so darn high? Do I have a uterine infection? Am I in labor? I had the doctors stumped. No infection (that they could see) I was having contractions about 30 minutes apart - but that's not enough to give me such a high fever... so more tests... At this point I wasn't allowed to have any water/ice/nothing. And I was so dehydrated I was starting to lose my vision - not to mention all the drawing of blood wasn't helping. Then they came in and had to do an "exam" - but there's no stirups on a stretcher... so back to primitive times, I had to prop myself up on a bed pan - OUCH. They did a few more tests checking for fluid and whatnot - before they finally said "let's give her some tylenol and water and see if that helps." FINALLY. I drank an entire 24 oz cup of water in less than 30 seconds and was begging for more... the nurse's eyebrows were up so high she realized I must be REALLY dehydrated - so they started me on an IV. 2 more big cups of water, ice, 2 cups of OJ, and 2 liters of IV fluid later I was finally feeling like I wasn't going to black out on them anymore. However - my fever wasn't breaking. It took almost 4 hours for both bags of IV fluid to go through me and that was what helped finally kick the fever... finally around 10 pm Madeline's heart rate dropped to the 160's which was finally in the normal range again. Mine was still high, but my fever wasn't completely gone either - it was hovering between 99.5 and 100. SO we wait some more. Around 11 pm they came in and said they were admitting me... I have an active Flu virus. The bloodwork came back and said both I and Madeline have the flu. Well that's just great. I've been to the doctor every week for the last month and a half and you'd think they might have checked for that at least once right? Nope. It took the flu nearly kicking my butt for anyone to finally test me for it. But back to the admitting me thing - I asked them what they were going to do... is there any drugs that help? No it must run it's coarse, SO.... I asked if I could go home and sleep in my own bed - I was so tired from being on a stretcher (2 inch mattress) for 6 hours with no pillow (they couldn't find one), no private bathroom (fun times in a hospital gown hooked up to two monitors and an IV) I was miserable and just wanted to come home and sleep in my own bed. I promised to steer clear of Liz and Jay (though what good is that now? I've been around them nonstop the last 3 days when my fever was so high) and they finally agreed. With strict instructions to stay away from people. Great.

My sister's baby shower is today - you know, the one I've been planning for 5 months now? Was so excited about? My grandma even flew in to be with us? Yeah. that's today. *sigh*

I just knew it though... my luck is just that rotten - I knew I wouldn't have the baby before the shower - no that would be far too convenient, but I knew something would happen - and sure enough. The flu.

So here I am, laying in bed, fever still hovering just under 100 - strict instructions to come back to the hospital if it rises above 100.5. I can't breathe b/c of all the fluid on my ears, sinuses, glands and now lungs. And I'm pretty freaking miserable... when I should be with my family celebrating my new nephew - but no... I'm at home stuck in bed. :(

At one point last night they told me to stop drinking as they were considering a c section to deliver the baby right now - but they had to test her lung fluid first - when it came back that she had the flu they decided to wait as she'd definately be in NICU if she came now - where if I wait and get better, she has a better chance of not making a trip to the NICU.

So anyway... that was yesterday. We finally got home around midnight - I was up every 4 hours taking Tylenol. This morning I realized I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday at lunch so I had a bowl of cereal and OJ. I can tell my fluids are getting low again so I'm drinking like crazy.

I can't wait for a happy update. *sigh*


Anonymous said...


You so need good news...I hope you feel better soon and I hope that all goes well and Miss Maddy gives you a break soon!

Thinking of you!

I LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jess..that really stinks! I feel so bad for you. Hopefully this won't take to long to pass over and Miss Maddy can make her grand arrival. Lots of hugs!

K said...

Lordy day!

This kiddo's going to be an angel for you, I just know it. No bumps, no scraped knees... nothing. She's already put you through it all now, and will be perfect when she comes out, right??


Sending healthy vibes your way!