Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A little worried...

It's 1 pm and I haven't felt maddy at all today - I poked her a couple times and I can move her legs, but it's me pushing on them... not her kicking or anything. Coupled with the fact that I developed a nasty cough last night which makes me feel like I'm pushing Madeline out every time I cough. It hurts so bad! (My throat hurts yes, but it REALLY hurts down there.) UGH. I'm wondering if I haven't traumatized my baby with all this hard coughing... it tightens my stomach and probably pinches off her air supply every time I cough - which is about every 30 seconds. *sigh* I drank some apple juice a little bit ago - if she doesn't start wiggling soon, i'm afraid we'll be headed to the doctors office... which is downtown - meaning we'll get stuck in all kinds of lovely traffic on the way home. *sigh* I hope she's okay. :(

EDIT: I did get one little jab earlier when I was poking her... it was obvious she was annoyed as it was a fast kick and then she moved to where I couldn't really get to her. LOL Guess she just wants to rest and be left alone... *sigh* I'm so tired of worrying about this little person that I can't see.


Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie! Big ((Hugs)) I hope everything is ok. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Ohh sweetie I know you are wanting her out so bad and I hope she comes soon!

Im glad she kicked you..she is probably just as tired of being in there..LOL'

Take it easy and rest..I Love you!