Thursday, February 7, 2008

Quick Update...

Back from the doctors, I have fluid on my lungs. :( Not a ton, but it's from all the fluid on my ears, sinuses and glands, doc said it has no where else to go so it's been draining into my lungs which is what's making me cough so hard. And my throat is overly irritated from coughing so hard which is what's making me cough up blood.

Anyway, I'll live. Just wanted to update - Madeline's fine and fortunately what I have isn't contagious - it's just an excessive amount of fluid - which they can't fix until after I deliver. He gave me Tylenol with Codine to take to help me sleep (UGHHHH I refuse to pull a Heath Ledger and die from overdosing on too many perscription drugs! AH! That's what it feels like anyways... though he assured me all was fine) so I'll try the Tylenol tonight and skip the Ambien - maybe it'll help my throat enough to where I'll sleep better...

*sigh* Prayers that Maddy comes quick. I know y'all are gettin tired of me whinin, Lord knows I am.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're ok. *wishes Maddy would come soon*

Anonymous said...

Im glad it is nothing too serious and that Maddy is okay!

Sweetie I am praying for you and that Maddy comes soon..:)

I love you and think of you often!

K said...

We're not tired of your "whining"!

Thanks for the update! I was worried about you!