Sunday, February 10, 2008


Who knows if this is it or not... but these puppies are not going away. I've been having contractions all afternoon and evening - about 10 minutes apart - although the last 3 where only 6 minutes apart - and no matter how much water I drink, or how long I lay down they're not going away. Although, to be fair, I had contractions just like this for 3 days with Lizzy before they finally decided to speed up and strengthen - these aren't too strong - I can breathe my way through them just fine with no wincing or needing to grip anything.

Anyway, on the off chance this is it, i thought I'd post this while I was still able to. :) Chances are I'll be here another couple weeks with all this - but you never know...

(And I still have the flu. I spent today doing much of nothing - needing to do a lot but just not being able to. I haven't had much of an appetite but I think I'll get some cereal before I go to sleep so I can take all my meds soon.)

Annnnyway... just wanted to update.


K said...

I'm putting my money on her coming sometime before Friday!! If not, I owe you a big Coke next time we're in Disney :P

Here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

Head for the tunnel Maddy, it's time to come out!