Monday, February 25, 2008

An Ode to Jess

I just wanted to post this in my blog. This is the first page of my wedding album and makes me laugh/smile and think back to a different day every time I read it - so I thought I'd post it here...

2 of my Bridesmaids in my wedding wrote this for me while driving down from Ohio to share in that special day with Jay and I. It's priceless and reminds me of them continually so here you go,
They took turns writing so I'll post it as they wrote it...

An Ode to Jess

On the coast of Charleston
Far Far Away

Lived a girl Named Jess
At least, that's what they say.

No other had found
Had not yet discovered.

The legend of Jess
Remained sadly uncovered.
But one day she called,
Her voice full of glee;

"Hey How ya been?
"I'm getting married!"

Jess' story was passed
To Fort Wayne and L.A.

And the legend of Jess
Is now here to stay.
So now the two bridesmaids
Are well on their way.

To rejoicing with Jess
On her special day.
Oh the bells will be ringing
There's love in the air.

And everyone's happy
For the newlywed pair.
Someday we'll all have
Spouses and Kids

Ugh the diapers and crying
And food crusted bibs...
But for now let's relax
And feel nothing but joy!

For Jess Lewis
Has a real nifty boy!


LOL Anyway, fun times... Maura is heading towards her second baby soon - so this is all the more special to me right now. :) I love those girls...

SO. I'm headed out today to walk walk walk at the Citadel for a little while - hopefully this baby arrives SOON!


K said...

EEEeeee! Can't wait to meet her!!!

Anonymous said...

Is Maddy here??? I forgot to send my number for a text.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jess!!! Welcome to the world Maddy! *kiss*

Question? Is she a leap day baby or was she born before Midnight?

K said...

I got the text this I'm *thinking* she was born today sometime. Unless she went really fast last night... I can't wait to find out more!