Monday, December 3, 2007


Sometimes Jay is the biggest pain in my butt... and othertimes he's the best friend and lover I could ever hope for. I'm so glad we went through everything last year because it has changed our relationship in ways I could never imagine.

Anyway... I just wanted to have this to look back on... every day he text's me saying he loves me, is thankful for me, and is so glad I'm his... every day. No matter how I feel, he puts up with me... no matter how hormonal I am right now - he'll hug me, smile at me and kiss away my tears.

I'm blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOu are both blessed...:)

Im so happy for you guys and Im glad things work out the way they are supposed too..God put you two together for a reason..:)

Love you and miss you more then you know..:)