Monday, December 10, 2007


Okay, so yesterday we stripped all the rest of the carpet out of the house, gave the living room another coat, ripped up the foyer floor so we can put the wood down this week, put in most of the outlets in the rooms we've painted so far, and then painted Lizzy's room last night. Thankfully Linda took Liz after her nap yesterday so she had a good time with grammy while mommy and daddy worked their tails off... however... we stayed at the house until 10 and didn't get Liz home in bed until closer to 11... poor kid was TIRED. Still up at 8 this morning though. LOL Like clockwork. Today's a bit crazy, I need to get my tush to the store, I'm taking a friend who just had a baby some lasagna and garlic bread tonight, and I'm going to make an extra one for us. Then I drop that off at 2, come back to Ladson where I'm meeting the guy who's doing our carpet, he's going to take a final measurement so we can order it this afternoon and then have it delivered and installed this weekend hopefully! THEN we're having a Christmas party at mom's tonight... and then tomorrow Liz has school and the house goal is to clean out the garage (an all day project I'm sure), Wednesday is the Mommies Cookie Swap so I have to bake on Tuesday night, Thursday Liz has school again and then Thursday night is Mom's Night out! :D That'll be fun. Friday we're laying the floors and Friday night is small group, then Saturday the carpet goes in! CRAZY!!!! Sometime in there I have to find time to paint Madeline's room and our Room, bathroom and closet. After that the painting will pretty much be done! Oh and I need to give all the trim in the house a fresh coat of paint before they deliver carpet on Saturday. I get the feeling this week is going to FLY by. LOL Then next week we'll deal with the new countertops, sink and cabinets in the kitchen. If we have the $$ I think Jay and I are going to go in on a flat screen TV for each other for Christmas. We really haven't had time to shop and I only have a few small things for him so we agreed that this would be a great joint gift this year. We'll see... if business keeps up until Christmas we'll be able to do that... if not, we may wait and try to do it in January. So anyway, just putting all my thoughts in order... I need to get my butt to the store... I have to do some cooking this afternoon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big ((Hugs))

Good luck this week!