Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Little Update!

Well after much looking, bargaining, looking some more, pricing everything under the sun, calling contractors and basically spending way too much time on it... the French Doors have FINALLY been ordered! :D Today is the 18th - they said they average 18 days to come in - putting us well past the new year before installation - but there's a very very *slim* chance that the doors may come in before the warehouse closes for Christmas week... if that's the case, we'll have them before New Years! *Crossing my fingers and praying hard* I hope they come in soon - I'd hate to be living in the house with the back door as it is as there's a broken panel in it so it's super drafty, and just plain ugly. LOL

The reason we did so much leg work on this is because those doors are EXPENSIVE. I was bound and determined to get a better deal than anyone was offering us, and in the end, I did. From Lowes none the less! It's still way more than Jay or I would have ever paid - but since the previous owners agreed to pay for a new door, I wanted to find them the best price. And now I'm confidant that I have - and the doors are paid for, ordered and should be shipped soon! I can't *wait* to see them! :D

Here's a pic of the one's we ordered...


K said...

Ooooo pretty!

Does the chair and table come with it? They're nice too! ;)

Anonymous said...

You have been quite the busy girl!! Sounds like you need some time to relax....and I'll join you =)