Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Well whoever was praying for us... it WORKED! We aimed for the stars last night asking for everything we really wanted (while still being fair) and they agreed! To EVERYTHING! What's more we found out they want to sell it for signifigantly less than we thought they would. They just came right out and said this is what we need to walk away with, so instead of bargaining and all that jazz, if you're okay with XXX price then we're fine with walking away knowing we're selling it a bit under market. *swoon* WOW. They are so easy to work with!!! We sat for 2 hours going over every single detail so that there is no confusion or anything left worrying about... I had broken our Propsal down into 3 parts, and we managed to work through and get exactly what we wanted/needed on every single part. So amazing. God was definately watching over that deal. I prayed before we left - "If this is supposed to be... please let it be obvious." And boy was it ever!

So wow. We're moving. In 3 weeks. Right after Christmas, and we have a TON of work to do. Thankfully not as much as we budgeted as we had planned on them refusing to do a few of the things we mentioned... but nope - they agreed to all of them. So basically it's all the "little" stuff we need to do (new outlets, update GFI switches, replace a couple doors, paint the ENTIRE house including trim and ceilings, lay new/better flooring in bathrooms, kitchen and entry way.) But they're handling the big stuff, replacing the AC unit, putting all new carpet in the whole house (we get to pick what type/color), replacing the back door with french doors (it was an older style and has a badly fixed pane that was ugly), etc. Those are the big ticket items that would be hard for us to budget out - but fortunately they okayed everything with no problem.

Sooooo it'll be a tight Christmas this year. We'll be putting out a lot the next couple weeks (Paint alone is going to be really expensive as we decided to only use Kilz paint b/c it's guarenteed to kill an bacteria, seal off any smoke stains, etc. It's really really thick.... and almost twice as much as the usual brand paint I use at Lowes) But it's worth it to me to move into a house that smells brand new, new paint, floor, etc. It already had new appliances... but eventually we'll want to replace the countertops - they're rather cheap looking. However that can wait for now. We also don't *have* to but want to replace most of the lighting fixtures as they all look rather dated. (Eg: Master bath has hanging globes for lighting... SO not my taste. LOL) But again, it works and that's something we can tackle come January or February while I'm waiting for Madeline to make her entrance and going stir crazy.

The good part to all this painting is that I'm starting to get that whole Nesting thing going on anyways... I was planning on painting the playroom (or as I'm now calling it the playroom/Madeline's room) pink to match Maddy's bedding... and i wanted to repaint this current kitchen (if we were staying) as the color irritates me. (Which I just picked out back in February. *bangshead*) But now I get to start all over and pick out all new colors for everything! But did I? Haaha... nope. I picked out the same saige for the living room although I'm also going to use it in the diningroom and kitchen to make it uniform... pink for both girls rooms... however I think I might go with a different color for the master bedroom. Idk.

Anyway. Bottom line. We got the house - or at least, we all agreed that we got the house - I won't believe it until we have keys in our hands - but nonetheless... it's looking like it's all going to work out. :D And that makes me one happy mama!


Anonymous said...

YYA!..I was praying sweetie...:)

SOunds great..Im so thrilled for you guys..:)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats sweetie! Can't wait to see the new house and all the progress you make on fixing it up. (Wait...didn't we both just do this?! [lookaround] )

Jessica Clemmons said...

Sadly we did. LOL Craziness. I can't believe I'm doing this all over again, less than a year later.. while going 7 months pregnant. I must be NUTS! :P

K said...

That's wonderful!!

If I wasn't so far away, I'd come down and help you pack :)

Vince said...

So you'll be at your old address till Christmas?

Jessica Clemmons said...

Sure will! And I'll be getting my Christmas cards out to y'all very soon. :)