Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fun Times!

Well tonight was interesting... after Jay got home and Lizzy woke up we all went downtown and saw the tree lighting! (Well, technically it was already lit since we got there late... but we got to see Marion Square all lit up!) Then we parked at Seth's fire station and met up with Ashley and Emery (Bryan rode with us downtown) and we all headed over to the Mellow Mushroom for super yummy pizza and pretzel bread! :D Chris joined us later and a good time was had by all... we took the long way back and walked through Marion Square where if you look directly at the big tree it'll burn your eyes it's so stinking bright! After that we went back to the fire station (Seth was on duty) and hung out for a bit... I got to see where the guys all bunk upstairs. Crazy how it all works out, but really neat too. I'm glad Jay's not a firefighter... I have all the respect in the world for those guys, but there is just no way I would be comfortable with my husband knowingly putting his life on the line - walking into dangerous situations - every day. *shivers* Those are some brave brave guys. (Although now that I think of it, my husband does risk his neck climbing 60 foot tree's on a daily basis...) LOL But still, something about walking directly into a fire just gives me goose bumps - and these guys do it all the time. Amazing.

Anyway, I'm exhausted but wanted to update. It was a fun night. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like so much fun!

Maggie LOVES the lights...:)
Glad you all had a great time..:)