Saturday, December 15, 2007


Well, I got Madeline's room is finished. Ashley came over and helped with the second coat. Today I planned on getting a million things done... but I forgot, I had to go to Beth's graduation and then we had Grey's birthday party... except, I just realized that Grey's party is tomorrow. *sigh* I hate preggo brain. It's ridiculous. I rushed home from the graduation, woke Lizzy up early, put her in a dress, got her in the car and then looked up directions online... and realized it's not until tomorrow. UGH. Jay threw on some work clothes and went back to the house for an hour... this is just getting stupid at this point. I cannot believe I'm confusing EVERYTHING right now. Stupid stupid stupid preggo brain.

I don't think we're going to be able to get everything done before Tuesday morning... we have SO much to do and SO little time to do it. Darn it. AND it didn't help that I woke up with bad cramps this morning... I guess it was my body saying slow down, but I actually thought I might be going into labor for awhile there... it was like Madeline was tring to claw her way out. So Jay wouldn't let me paint today. UGH That's just one more thing to do tomorrow...

Anyway, enough with the negative stuff... I know in a few more days we'll get it all figured out... I just hope we manage to get most of it done before the carpet goes in otherwise it's going to be a MAJOR pain finishing up the painting with carpet in the house.

So that's that. Just venting a little. I'm so tired all the time right now - and finding a place for Lizzy while we work has been tough... all in all between me not being able to do as much as I'd like, and having a toddler in tow - poor Jay is doing almost all of this on his own. Well, I better load my kid up and go over there and see if I can at least hand him tools or something, lol makes me feel useful. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
