Thursday, December 13, 2007

Baby Stuff...

Let me just tell you, that while I thought baby 2 would have less in the way of new things (especially considering we just did all this 2 years ago) I was wrong... oooooh so wrong. LOL A friend of mine who has a 4 month old daughter handed me a trash bag yesterday with TONS of new baby clothes in it. (And I don't mean a small trash bag, I mean one of those giant - I really shouldn't be lifting it - black trash bags.) And it was stuffed to the brim with newborn gowns, bibs, burp cloths, onsies, sleepers, adorable outfits, summer dresses, hats... and on and on and on! Much of it was new still with tags on it! WOW This was her last baby and her only girl, so everything was in pristine condition that had been used... not a single stain on anything...

And what's more, at the Christmas party the other night, Aunt Jill and Grandma Harsh bought Madeline tons of new girl clothes as well! I have SO many things in her closet now... and I haven't even pulled out a single box of Lizzy's yet!!!! CRAZY. And so fun. :) Holding baby Connor the other night when I dropped off dinner at Erica's house was beyond special, he's SO tiny - weight right under 7 lbs right now - about what Liz weighed when we brought her home - I'd forgotten just how tiny they really are at first... soooo sweetly tiny. He smelled new, he was just so beautiful and TINY. Gosh did I mention that? His whole body fit in the crook of one of my arms... amazing...

I cannot WAIT until Madeline get's here! Gosh this all has me so excited to meet my baby girl now! :D And it's helped me redouble my efforts to get this house done in a timely manner... a few things got pushed back - the carpet isn't going to be installed until Tuesday now as we still have a lot of painting to do, and Jay's packed with his work and can't take off today or tomorrow... on the upside - being slammed with work means we can afford to do our countertops and lighting BEFORE we move in now! Super thrilled about that! :D I really want to get Maddy's room finished soon so that right after the carpet goes in, I can start bringing all these new clothes over and hanging them in her big closet. :) SO fun! I realized today that I haven't bought a single newborn diaper yet either though so I better get on that. She's going to arrive and I won't have done anything in the way of diapers or lotion! I guess I still have 2 1/2 months so I've got some time... as long as she doesn't show up too early. If she ends up arriving about like she's measuring I've actually got a little less than 2 months! WOW that would be awesome - but we shall see... she'll get here when she's good and ready, I know that. :)

So anyway, fun updates on baby!

1 comment:

K said...

Wow... where can I get me one of those friends with giant trash bags of stuff? :P

Here's hoping for a nice early delivery!